So I found something fo rmy mom that is supposed to help with her sun spots like she wanted but it was only $50 so I want to get her something else to go with it. No makup but skincare products are ok. My mother is very traditional mom, not young funky sort of mom so nothing too young or hip for her but she loves products that seem expensive. An suggestions? Preferable from Sephora since it's 4 blocks from my house or any department store brand too that I could get at Saks/Neimans/Nordstrom etc. Thanks ladies. Oh price limit like $50-$60
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Not a product but what about getting her a gift certificate for a facial to go along with the product you already bought so it would be a "pampering" theme gift. If you don't live close to your Mom you could always call a spa near her and do a charge send for the gc and have them FedEx it to you.