I recorded Lost last night but my Tivo cut out early and I missed the ending. The last I saw was Hurley asking Jack if he could speack to Libby alone. Did more happen? What did the previews for next week look like?
she woke up for a second, said "Michael", and died. Jack just thought she wanted to make sure Michael was OK. Oy. That was basically the end- they showed Michael looking fairly evil and then zoomed in on the blank computer.
Previews from next week were pretty fast moving and cryptic. Looks like they hunt down the others. There's some old dude with a slingshot lookign thing, looks like Michael may have seen Walt when he was away, and it end with them all in a hige group looking over a hill and Claire saying "oh. my. god."
i have to say, sawyer is consistently the highlight of the show - the nicknames are too much. when he said "the artist formerly known as henry gale" last night i almost died.
i feel so badly for hurley, poor guy never even got a kiss. i was glad to have an episode focusing on eko again, his back story really intrigues me for some reason. and he's sexy.
i thought locke might cry when he found out that the button really is just a psychological experiment. it seemed that there may have been something taken out of that orientation video, too, didn't it? right at the end? or am i just overly suspicious of everything now?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I missed the computer part, when did they find out nothing would happen?
I'm thinking that Michael made a deal with the Others. You can have Henry back if you give me Walt. Whatcha think?
I know Michelle Rodriguez has been doing interviews saying she always knew she would be killed off...BUT, does anyone else think it's weird that the two cast members busted for drunk driving are the ones that got killed.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
Here's my take on the last few minutes (since we're discussing them). I think that Michael was snarling at the blank computer b/c the last time he encountered it, that creepy message that was supposedly from Walt came up.
As for the previews for next week, I think it's going to show us what has been happening with Michael since he went running off into the jungle. And then it will bring us back to the present. That's what I gathered anyway. I'm also pretty sure the older guy they showed was Zeke. And I'm still not convinced that Michael is an other, even though Ecko said in the previews, "I think Michael's been tainted." Michael could also be a man gone crazy with grief. And yeah, I think he made a deal with the Others (Walt for Henry) and that could also make him 'tainted.'
Did anyone notice in the Dharma video that the guy now has a real arm? In the Swan video, he had a prosthetic one. I like how they confirmed that the Swan is, in fact an experiment of the Skinner variety.
As far as Ecko's backstory--- that was Claire's psychic who was the father of the girl who supposedly was dead and brought back to life. I think the psychic was just trying to get rid of Ecko when he said that he was a fraud. That guy isn't a fraud. He knew about flight 815 with Claire.
I loved Eko's backstory and the dream sequences with his brother Yemi. I recognized the psychic as the one Claire went to and I agree with Nylabelle- he is not a fraud since he clearly warned Claire about flight 815 and that no one should raise the baby but her. He was just telling Eko lies so he could back off. In the previews for next week, someone suggests that "Michael's been compromised." But I think he struck a deal with the Others- if he frees Henry and leads the Losties to them then somehow he gets Walt back. The guy with the slingshot in the previews was definitely Zeke. I taped it for my bf and watched it over again and it was clearly him.
I agree with jaymiek...I think micheal has made a bargain with the others.
This episode was really good. I liked how they said loche had lost the way and needed to be shown again. I used to like how loche just sort of knew everything and it does seem he has lost his direction somewhat.
I think asf is right too....sawyer is a highlight in the show. I love his character and I hope they keep him around.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."