What is something you thought you'd never do, but you now do or did?
Some of mine are
1. Tanning. I was SO against it and now I do it periodically.
2. Become a sales rep at my company. Another thing I was so against doing. Now I am interviewing for positions and have to keep answering to why I didn't go that route earlier.
1. be a teacher. I come from a family of teachers, and that was the one thing I did NOT want to be.
2. be a SAHM/work from home if I have kids. I don't particularly want this, but I really don't think I have the time-management skills to work full-time if I had young kids. My mom did it, and did it well, but I don't know how she did.
3. be a liberal. I had very conservative political viewpoints when I was younger.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
1.) drink coffee. I used to dislike the taste of coffee and would never drink it. Now, I practically consume coffee every day. I can't live without it.
2.) consider a career in law. I was a biology major and always thought I'd work in the sciences or medical field.
3.) be girly/be interested in fashion/wear make-up. I was a major tomboy growing up. Even throughout college, I never ever wore make-up and always wore baggy clothes and sneakers. I didn't become interested in fashion until a couple of years ago.
1.) Be girly or interested in fashion/wear make-up. I was a huge tomboy growing up, I even played football (touch, flag, etc.) w/the fellas in my neighborhood, that's how bad I was, I'm so glad I outgrew that stage in my life. I think I became interested in fashion right after I graduated HS in 1990, I was buying clothes like there was no tomorrow! LOL Some things never change.
2.) Stay at my current employer (been almost 13 yrs.). I use to job hop a lot, now I believe in longevity; I've been in different positions, but still w/the same company.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
* not be career focused - now I just don't care as much & realize I needed the money more than I was ambitious. Other people around me find this hard to believe too & think I've lost my mind.
*I thought I would never gain 50+ pounds, but I did & now I have to lose it all.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I never thought I'd be that girl. You know, the one who doesn't take all the good advice and ends up in an icky boy situation? I'm not her currently but I've been her. And I NEVER thought that would happen.
I thought I would never like cooking and cleaning. To be fair, I don't like all of it (I still loathe most of it) but there are some things I really like and it's starting to bug me to see hair in the bathroom, mail on the coffee table, etc. Psst - don't tell anyone I admitted any of that.
I never thought I'd be stuck in a dead end job and be so unmotivated. But I am. And I hate it.
1. love babies so much and actually have my own. I was kind of turned off by babies until I hit age 25 or so.
2. be a SAHM and have no desire to work again, even though I know I probably will have to work again someday.
3. drink coffee and love it so
4. smoke (as a kid, who really thinks they will ever smoke?) I smoked from age 15-22.
5. despise alcohol and drunken behavior (I drank a lot for several years and I used to consider it such a neccessary part of life) if I drink now...it's like ONE drink, and only if it's a good one that I can sip on and savor. I am such a square!
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I never thought I would smoke, especially once I turned 18 (don't people usually start smoking before then, when they are young and stupid?). I started at the age of 22 and two years later, I still find it hard to think of myself as a smoker...even though I am.
never thought i'd be in a relationship for as long as i was, considering how sad I was a lot of the time. Still sad, still miss him, but know I can't be with him.
never thought i'd feel as ambivalent about a career as I do now. Now I just want to convince my parents to buy a vacation home in peru (they're considering it), and making money in random ways and going on adventures.
never thought i'd have such a huge crush on someone I met for a week and lives 2000 miles away.
1. want to have kids. I was always that girl that was NEVER going to have any, but now I want them so bad that it hurts. 2. not give a shit about having a career. I always pictured myself as a huge career woman, now I really don't care. I honestly think I'd be just as happy staying home or working in a boutique. 3. want to move out of the city (and back to where I went to college). I grew up in the middle of nowhere and hated every second of it. I went to schhol in Albany and hated it becasue it was "too small". DC was fun for a while, but it's just too much for me. I hate the traffic, the tourists, the prices, and have come to the realization that Albany is really the perfect medium- it's small enough that I can afford to think about a house with a yard (here that would be a huge joke), but there's still tons of culture and it's safe.
Be a SAHM and have a nanny. I could never understand people that stayed home with their children but then hired out help. Well after having children I TOTALLY get it. I would be a crazy mean agitated person without the help- it has saved us. bad for me of being critical before I knew better!