Ours is going straight into the wedding savings this year. I honestly can't remember what we spent our refund on last year - nothing memorable, obviously!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
DH and I are both making more this year and unfortunately I had 1 withholding on my W-2, which wasn't an issue last year when we were making less, but it's screwed us this year, so now we have to pay. Barf.
I think if we were to get a return though, it'd be spent on new kitchen appliances. Oh the joys of being an "adult."
Last year I got money back and I bought a digital camera.
I haven't even touched my tax forms this year, so I have no idea if I'm getting anything back. If I do get money back, I'm not sure yet if I will save it or spend it.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I put every cent of it into my savings account. My finances have been scaring me a bit. So I am trying to put as much as I can into savings. Bleh, being a grown up sucks!
I put every cent of it into my savings account. My finances have been scaring me a bit. So I am trying to put as much as I can into savings. Bleh, being a grown up sucks!
last year i spent it on a medical bill. stupid heart murmur. (dude...how do you spell that?)
this year, once i get my taxes done(!), then it's going right into the savings account. being a grown up does suck...but im really trying hard to be one. plus, im living off of student loans at the moment so im trying to put whatever money i can aside right now when i get real money, as opposed to pretend money.
i am sorta scared to do my taxes though because this year will be way more complicated than any other year. not only do i have the normal wages ive got like ten other things to remember.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
this year: savings account...or a CD or money market...some type of secure savings...hopefully towards a house in a year or so
actually, hubby wants to go on a vacation, i don't think we can afford it, so he might try to persuade me once we get the refund...of course, there's also one credit card of his that we need to pay off, now that i think about it (he's lucky he married financially sensible ol' me!)
ETA: Drew (and anyone else who routinely has to pay), the IRS has this handy-dandy little withholding calculator so you can figure out exactly how to adjust your withholdings so you don't end up paying a bunch come tax time
i don't even know if i'll be getting one. i just rustled up the bare minimum paperwork to have my accountant file an extension for me and put it in the mail tonight. i am slacking this year.
Last year I broke even, but this year DH and I are getting back a fair chunk of change, so we're doing the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 thing. We each get 1/3, and the last 1/3 goes into savings. (We make almost the same amount of money, so 1/3 each is fair)
As for my 1/3 -- I'll probably just renew my gym membership. boring
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
I can't remember how I spent my refund last year (LOL!), but this year, I gave myself $30.00 of it, and brought two prs. of shoes from Famous Footwear, and the rest went straight into my sav. acct.; saving up for some upcoming trips this Summer.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Last year I used it to pay off CC debt. But this year I am debt free yaay. I spent my refund on a new MJ Quilted Blake. I am already saving about 1/3 of my income after tax, so I figured I could splurge.