So I used to think that I knew how to put on make-up pretty well, but lately everytime I get a picture back I look all puffy, shiny and my eyes look really tiny. I had done them up pretty well, but I am obviously doing something wrong. Anyone have any tips? Could I be using the wrong foundation or need a primer?
Thanks I will check that out. My body/skin/hair has been going through some changes again, and I just don't know how to keep up with all these changes. Ahh getting older.
I don't know if you're using eyeliner but it's a common mistake I see a lot of women doing....wrapping there ENTIRE eye in dark liner.
If you do, skip the liner under the eye and only apply it thinnly on the top. It should blend in nicely with your eyelashes & accentuate them. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious for you if you're not doing this. I don't mean to be rude or patronizing but, you would not believe how many lovely women I see doing walking down the street wearing too much eye makeup in the wrong environment. It's great for a night out on the town look or at smokey lounge but in the bright light of day, (or glare of flourescent lights) it just closes you up.
Concentrate on shadows in soft neutrals like a light bone or champagne, light pink or peach, or light beige that naturally blend in with your skin. Make-up's just here to enhance our natural beauty anyway, right?
"To share often and know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)