I just realized I meant to wear pants with this dress! Can you tell? Do I look crazy? I don't look too crazy, do I? When I left the house this morning my mother said something about a lampshade in a whorehouse or some such but all she does is mutter about stuff all day long anyway so I didn't know if she was talking about me or about an actual lampshade she wanted to buy from a whorehouse but the point is that I am a little worried about sitting down because this skirt is really short.
But ANYWAY, it's awfully nice to get out of that house because I swear to God all I do in that house is yell about things, like where is Kevin's wallet, and no he can't take my purse with him, and what happened to the money I gave him yesterday, and no he can't bring the baby with him to the 7-11 because what if he accidentally gives the baby a Slurpee because that might give the baby diabetes, and no I am not IMing Justin and even if I was he can't read what I said because he's functionally illegitimate anyway, or whatever that word is for not really being able to read. So it's nice to be out and about and I think Kevin does clean up real nice even if I secretly think he's turning out to be a total liability, which is what my manager called him this morning. And right after she said that she said that she didn't understand where this all came from anyway, and I told her that maybe she should have listened to me when I told her that I was so Lucky, I was a Star, but that I cried, cried, cried in my lonely heart and if there was nothing missing in my life, then why did my tears come at night, and she said she had no idea what I was talking about and I told her that it was a SONG I sang once and it was a big hit and then she said that she never paid that much attention and THEN I told her that she also should have listened to my song "Overprotected" which is all about how I was tired of people telling me what to do and this is why I keep saying that I don't know why everyone is so surprised I got married and had a baby because I've been trying to tell them all for YEARS that I was TIRED of not getting to EAT so THEY could make more MONEY and I SWEAR I HAVE JUST ABOUT HAD IT WITH EVERYONE I SEE EVERY DAY. Except Sean, because I could just eat up his cute little baby face.
So what I'm saying is: I'm glad to be out of the house, I wish I had worn pants, and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to fire everyone even my mom.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
wow, she is just trying soooo hard. and what is up with k-fed and the hat? my goodness, soesn't anyone care about her enough to tell her she looks like sh*t. that girl needs some help!!
Does anyone else see her going the way of Michael Jackson? Just really crazy and eventually walking around in a Burka that she customized to be really short? I sure hope so I love crazy people.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
i think she is actually turning into mariah carey. it's like the bigger she gets the more flesh she flaunts.
She's seriously like,"Hi y'all! I know I just had a baby and am married to a total trailer trash loser, but I'm still super sexy! No, really I am!"
Britney should either: a) Wear clothing more appropriate to her post pregnancy size, b) hit the gym ala Denise Richards, get a banging body, and then proceed on to dressing like a stripper.
Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes.
Mary Martin
OK. I'm at the office and blogs are blocked, but recently I read the most hilarious item about her having to track Kevin down and stop him from getting the baby's ears pierced. I guess he just decided it was time and left with the baby. She had to remind him that the baby has not yet had a tetanus shot, plus she didn't want people thinking the baby was a girl or trailer trash.
I think it may have been on Celebrity Baby Blog. Didn't Kevin also call his baby a "pimp" in an interview? They are serious trash.