I just can't stand him now. That is really funny to see though....he really does change drastically. Perhaps the women in his life do it too him...I know I dress my hubby and have a HUGE influence on his hair.
That's very creepy. I have to say I don't like him as much now. It's upsetting. I think he is only with Angelina for Maddox. You always see pics of him and Maddox playing and holding hands, never him and Angie!!! Dissapointing, and creepy about the pics!!
Yeah, I saw something like this too. I mean, I know that the people you spend time with will eventually have an impact on the way you look/dress, but I feel like he doesn't have a personality on his own. Also, when has he ever not been in a relationship? He seems like one of those people that just isn't secure enough of himself to not be dating anyone. Sheesh! Get a personality (and a backbone) Brad!
Weird! I remember reading in People back when he and Jen got married that they got matching highlights for their wedding day. I think they were even called "brother / sister highlights."