Who watched last night? I love this show so much - it's easily become my favorite show. I know a lot of you don't agree, but I really want Derek and Meredith to get back together! I'm so bored w/him and Addison.
Oh and I love George! How hysterical was it that he walked the picket line w/the nurses! He cracks me up.
Oh I definitely want Meredith and Derek back together. It might make me a little sad for George, but I do not see George and Meredith being a good match.
Somehow I missed this (I was knitting and watching at the same time) but what did the young girl decide to do with her baby?
And what about next week's epi? Sounds intense!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Okay, this is so embarrassing, but I was CRYING last night! When Meredith ran into the supply closet and Derek came in, I LOST IT. Big time. So embarrassing. I am SO glad my husband was asleep at that point because he would have died laughing at me!
Anyway, last night's episode was great. I, for some reason, was not at all surprised about Izzie having had a baby. It fits her character really well and I think it makes her a much more interesting person.
I can't wait for next week's episode! It looks great! They kept yelling about a code black on the previews. Anyone know what a code black is? (It doesn't sound good).
I cried too! But I laughed my ass off when those 3 old ladies were talking about that women's daughter and they said she was gay and the one said "That's ok though right? She can still sign the forms?" I just thought that was hysterical!
I cannot wait for next weeks episode!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
i'm a little ashamed to admit i almost cried last night and its not the first time with this show (remember the bus wreck one with the girl with the pole). i love this show and i really want derek and meredith to get back together, i don't like addison at all. i'm glad they added a little more to izzie's character. she was getting boring.
ejc423- i don't think they revealed what the girl decided to do with the baby. if they did, i missed it too.
They didn't say what she decided, she just asked if Izzy had ever regreted giving up her baby, then they talked about names. I had the impression she was going to give it up, though. Oh, and NCShopper - I cried too at that exact scene! I love this show...
Don't be embarrassed about crying NCShopper, I cried during that part too. I just felt so bad for Meredith and I also thought it was incredibly sweet that Derek was there for her. This show is just sooo good. That whole part where Meredith had to pull the tube out of that old lady was so sad.
They did not reveal reveal what that girl decided to do w/her baby - they just left it. My mouth dropped when Izzy said she had a kid, but I was glad they threw that in there. I wonder if they'll go any further w/that storyline.
Addison has got to go - nothing personal, but the chemistry between Derek and Meredith is electric and there is nothing between Addison and Derek. It's so obvious he's still completely in love w/Meredith too!
NCShopper, i cried when izzie started talking about having the kid - when she pulled the picture out I lost it. My DH said "OMG are you seriously crying just because she had a kid?" DICK! yes, i am. Men just don't get it. Then I got teary again when you did.
I want meredith & derek together too!
I love George SO MUCH. But in reality I'd just be friends with him too.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
NCShopper, i cried when izzie started talking about having the kid - when she pulled the picture out I lost it. My DH said "OMG are you seriously crying just because she had a kid?" DICK! yes, i am. Men just don't get it.
HAHAHAHAHA...this is totally something my husband would say! LOL!