So a little while ago I ordered this stuff called Glymagic - it's a home glycolic acid peel. I got the 30% solution (their mildest), but they also have 50% and 70% strengths. It came around Christmas, but I wasn't able to use it until now since I didn't want to risk a bad reaction when we had so many things planned. I was expecting it to feel like water on my face and do nothing - afterall, that's what most drugstore/OTC things do for me since I have what must be the most resistant skin on the planet . Soooo, sooo wrong I was!
Not for the faint of heart is how I would describe this stuff. You're supposed to leave it on for 2-4 minutes, and I believe I got to about 1:15 before I couldn't hack it any longer. It burns/stings pretty good, mostly in spots that are already flaky/irritated. Scared me a little bit actually. When I started rinsing it off, my skin felt very tight and mask-like where the peel had been, and then I rinsed w/the neutralizer and that stung a bit too. Then while I was rinsing the skin in my very dry flakey areas (around my nostrils mostly) started to roll off under my fingers. It didn't take off anything that wasn't already loose and begging to come off though.
After I dried off, I put on a very heavy duty serum-like moisturizer. My skin is still quite red (30 min later or so), but that's to be expected. This is my first application, so I will review again and hopefully be able to report some results in a few weeks!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Sounds like the kind of peel you'd get in a doctor's office. I hope the redness goes away soon. I have fairly sensitive skin so I'm not sure it's for me, but I need something to get all the dry skin off! (Exfoliating doesn't work so well.)
How long will a once ounce bottle last do you think?
Probably 10 applications or so, and you're only supposed to do it once every 7 days.
Blubirde - it's similar to what you'd get in a docs office (though I've never had one there because they're so expensive). It took me by suprise mostly because I'd never had one before, but now that I know what to expect I think I'll probably be able to make it to 2 minutes next time. I'll also probably just do it on the less sensitive cheeks and chin next time, as opposed to the whole face. Do products irritate your skin easily?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}