After our once-favorite show sent Samaire Armstrong's character, Anna, packing off to HBO's Entourage, The O.C. jumped the shark. It was like 90210 without Shannen Doherty; it just wasn't the same.
Well, thankfully, finally, O.C. mastermind Josh Schwartz is doing something to spice up the show again. And, he's gonna be startin' somethin' by bringing back Samaire to make things interesting in Laguna again.
"She returns when there's a little bit of emotional upheaval for Seth [Adam Brody's character] as he prepares to go away to college," Schwartz says of our blonde beauty's multiepisode arc, which kicks off at the end of April. "Based on all this anxiety, Seth really needs a stabilizing force. But Anna's timing is inopportune if you're Summer [Rachel Bilson's character]."
I hadn't heard that Anna is coming back. That's cool but I don't know how much on-again off-again Seth and Summer I can handle. Now where is Teresa and her non-miscarried baby?!?
The preview on the Fox website says "Marissa's little sister is back...and she's brought a whole lot of trouble with her." I guess they finally found a use for her. I was wondering when that tuition check was going to bounce and her boarding school would send her packing.