I've read that there are a few movies on 9/11 currently in the works. Oliver Stone is making one now about two Port Authority policemen who were trapped in the rubble at the World Trade Center, and eventually rescued. Nicholas Cage is one of the officers. And Paul Greengrass, who directed The Bourne Supremacy, has one coming out this April called Flight 93, which is about the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers fought back against the terrorists. I just watched the trailer for it online (http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/flight93/) and even though you don't really see anything, it was difficult for me to watch it.
How do you all feel about Hollywood making movies on 9/11? Sooner or later every major event in our history, no matter how painful, will get addressed in the movies, and in a way that helps people come to term with events and understand them, but I kind of feel like this is happening too quickly with 9/11. Maybe that's because I live in New York and did at the time this happened, and it brings back too many memories. I don't know.
On a personal, emotional level, I don't know how ready I am for 9/11 to become a movie (I was in DC during the attacks). I also worry about how the movies will portray the events and how accurate they will be. For instance, there has been a great deal of speculation about what really happened in PA (there's been talk that the gov't might have shot down the plane). There's a lot of questions that are unanswered about that day and I realize some will never be completely answered, but I'm worried the questions will stop once movies like the second one you mentioned are made. Unfortunately, myth (and Hollywould and the US government reign supreme in the myth-making business) often becomes more powerful than reality.
Oooooooooh, that's weird. I was just squirming reading about the ideas for these two movies. It just makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not ready to see a movie about it. It's too soon.
The idea that someone is out there presumable trying to make a profit off 9/11 makes me sick. Ugh.
NCshopper wrote: Oooooooooh, that's weird. I was just squirming reading about the ideas for these two movies. It just makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not ready to see a movie about it. It's too soon. The idea that someone is out there presumable trying to make a profit off 9/11 makes me sick. Ugh.
I totally agree- I feel like we're going to soon see a movie about 9/11 starring Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett like Pearl Harbor.
I agree with everyone. Just reading that they are making a movie gave me chills. It is to soon. I think it is wrong for them to make movies so soon after 9/11. In my opinion it is just another way for them to make a blockbuster, and it totally wrong.
NCshopper wrote: Oooooooooh, that's weird. I was just squirming reading about the ideas for these two movies. It just makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not ready to see a movie about it. It's too soon. The idea that someone is out there presumable trying to make a profit off 9/11 makes me sick. Ugh.
As usual, I completely agree with this statement, ncshopper. I wasn't even going to read this thread because it just makes me uncomfortable.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
It really makes me uncomfortable too, and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. I was wondering if I was being too sensitive. Rosey, you make a great point about myth becoming more powerful than reality. And it would really enrage me if Hollywood turned out something awful like "Pearl Habor" for this. I imagine a lot of WWII vets were offended by that movie. Even just watching that trailer for "Flight 93" brought tears to my eyes -- there's no way I can see that in the theater, nor do I want to.
is it supposed to be a drama- or more of a documentary movie? i think it would be way too hard to watch- i think a lot won't want to see it. 9/11 doesn't feel over- nothing has been resolved and i feel like we're just waiting for another attack. if its tastefully done, i don't think its a terrible thing- but i still wouldn't really wanna watch it.
I've read that the movie will be in "real time." The flight itself was only in the air for about 90 minutes, I think, which is the average length for a movie, so every minute will supposedly match up with a real minute the plane was in the air.
I think it's too soon for a few reasons. As someone from Seattle who had no personal connection to the attacks, I feel like I'm fairly removed from them. (This is not to say I don't care in any way, but I just don't have as many emotions about it as lots of other do.) Despite this, even that trailer was hard for me to watch, which leads me to believe it would be much more difficult for others. I imagine the movie would be incredibly intense. It's very fresh in all of out minds, and as lynnie said, is in no way resolved making this an incredibly painful film to watch, with no real benefit I can see. We all know what happened, we are all still aware of the tragedy and mourning it so the only good thing to come out of this film would be entertainment. Which is a very unsettling thought.
Another problem with it being so soon, is that I think it would be hard to make a good movie. There is no room for any Americans to be anything but heroes. Not to say that there weren't many many heroes on 9/11, but I'm sure not everyone was. Because it's so recent, people (myself included) would be outraged if any victims were portrayed in a negative light. This attitude doesn't really lead to good film making. I think these will come off as highly uncomfortable propaganda pieces.
As for people making money off of 9/11, I predict that a large portion of the revenue the films generate will be donated. Otherwise I just think too many objections will be raised.
On a more shallow note...Nic Cage? WTF? I can't stand him and it irritates me he'd be playing a police officer.