so it isn't broken, and it is feeling a lot better today. there's just some internal swelling and bruising, but my nose will be fine. thanks to those who were concerned.
i guess this a beauty/health question...
so on friday night, i bonked the bridge of my nose into a cabinet in my kitchen extremely hard (klutzy, i know i know). well, it's 3 days later and the swelling hasn't gone down much (despite advil and lots of ice), it still hurts, and now i am feeling slightly dizzy and headachey. there's a hard knob on the side where i hit it, about the size of a pencil eraser.
i called my dr., who ordered an x-ray that i will have done tomorrow morning, just to make sure it's not broken. i hope and pray that it is not broken--i really like my nose just the way it is/was, and i am scared that i did some really bad damage to it.
i don't really even know what my question is, just looking for any experiences anyone else may have had with this.
I broke my nose before. They didn't really do anything for it. And I was pretty young (like 12) but my nose looked about the same afterward I think. Hopefully it's not too bad!
thanks, girls. i had the x-rays last night, and i won't know anything until my own dr. gets them and reviews them--they said probably wednesday. the good news is that it hurts a lot less today, and the swelling looks like it's gone down--i just can't tell if it's crooked or not because of the knob on the side. anyway, i think just having the tests done put my mind at ease a little bit.
Oh - broken noses HURT, actually, fixing it hurts worse than breaking it. I broke mine in a car accident, and they had to rebreak it twice to get it back to the way it was. Does the bone look straight, if you tilt your head back and look in the mirror? Can you hold a hand mirror up and try to see it from above? If the bone is still straight and doesn't need to be reset, your nose should look about the same. After three days, though, the bones reknit, so they probably won't do anything now unless it will affect your breathing or appearance.
i can't tell--it looks like it's straight, but it has this small knob on the side.
i wouldn't really be worried except that it hurts like hell now. it's weird--it feels better in the mornings, and then by the late afternoon, it's painful. it's like a dull constant pain, as if i had a pretty bad sinus infection, up into my forehead, and even my ears feel a little plugged up, and i'm slightly dizzy (which comes and goes). i feel like i'm breathing normally though. dizzy, does and of that sound familiar at all?
i called my dr's office to find out if they got my x-rays back. a few hours later, an assistant with a shaky grasp of english called me back to say "he says that your results came back normal."
ok, great, except what do i do about the fact that i am no longer breathing normally and have pain and congestion from the top of my nose into my forehead? she goes, uh, you have pain? yes. ok, i will give him the message.