Hey ladies, well I always read about this on MUA and decided to finally try it! I am the ultimate non-runner. I try and try but I get winded after a block!! So I started this program (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml) and so far so good. I have done the first two boxes in week one. Does anyone want to join me and we can monitor our progress?? I am doing it on a treadmill and ultimately will try to run on land (hehe) because i hear that is harder. My ultimate ultimate goal is to run a marathon!
Hey Crystal, this looks pretty cool. I hate running too (hate, hate, hate with a passion), but I need to get my butt off the couch. I'll give the first workout a try tonight after work.
Hey Crystal - this is perfect and I would love to join you! I have a treadmill at my house, and I'm pretty sporadic about running, so this is the type of routine I need! Should we do weekly check in's?
sure! I started on a Friday so I will be a little off from you guys but I guess we can just post at the end of our own personal weeks (i.e. I will post Thurs/Fri about my first week). I usually go to the gym almost every day so I am doing the program every other day & elliptical on my off days. I did it Friday & Sunday so I will do it again tomorrow and then I guess Friday start week 2? I can tell it is a really good workout cuz I sweat a TON!!! much more than when I do elliptical!
I'm doing this already! I'm on week 3 I think? Okay, technically, I've been on week 3 and will be on week three until at least Jan. 1 because this week and next week will most like be sporadic gym visitation. But it's awesome, isn't it? I run in the gym on a treadmill and outside on a track. I like both for different reasons. (The time way on the treadmill seems easier while the distance on the track seems more satisfying.)
Count me in! I NEED to start exercising and this sounds do-able. I have actually thought about doing it this way before and tried to do it, but once I get out there, I try to work myself too hard. Then, I get discouraged and stop after about 3 times. I think having the program written down this way will help me out. I think I might have to be on week 1 for a few weeks though because I have back-to-back business trips on Dec 27-30 and Jan 2-9.
I'm doing this already! I'm on week 3 I think? Okay, technically, I've been on week 3 and will be on week three until at least Jan. 1 because this week and next week will most like be sporadic gym visitation. But it's awesome, isn't it? I run in the gym on a treadmill and outside on a track. I like both for different reasons. (The time way on the treadmill seems easier while the distance on the track seems more satisfying.) Great idea!
HA! Me too! My husband and I have been doing this since mid-November, but we skipped last week b/c he was sick, and the two weeks before, we only made it 2 times. So we are doing week 3 for the third time this week.
For those who are new to this -- I think it's awesome. I hate running with a passion, and I am terrible at it. I can't say I *like* it now, but it's much, much easier this way. And even though it's only 20 minutes 3x per week, I can fit into my skinny jeans now!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Couch to 5k is GREAT I did it last year and I'm still running. I started it in Jan 05 with my best friend and her husband was our "coach". Neither of us had really ever been runners. It was the best thing I ever did I toned up big time and lost about 8 lbs. We ran a 5k that March and were shocked that we could do it! Good luck stick with it and it will really pay off!
I did Couch to 5k earlier this year. I had to repeat a lot of week twice or sometime more than that because it moved a little too fast for me. I actually ran a 5k on the 4th of July and it felt great!
Unfortunately, I lost interest after that because I didn't have a goal anymore (running a 5k had been my goal). I think I may start all over again and do C25k and then after I complete it, I'll train for a 10k.
Did you girls buy the book or do you just use the link crystal posted?
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins