I found a great article on the shelf life of certain cosmetics. Really helpful...Enjoy!
Concealer Up to 12 months.
Eye liner Should be sharpened regularly. Will last up to 3 years.
EyeshadowWill also last up to 3 years.
Foundation Check the ingredients: A water-based foundation will last up to 12 months, oil-based will last up to 18 months. You may find you need two different shades of foundation each year: One for summer when your skin is naturally darker & one for winter when you're lighter. Extra tip: If your water-based foundation dries out before it's expiry date, simply add a few drops of alcohol-free toner & shake to get rid of clumps. No need to do this to oil-based foundations. Because they contain oil, they will tend to separate. You have to shake anyway.
Lip liner Up to 3 years.
LipstickUp to 4 years, but if it smells rancid, throw it out, it's spoiled. Extra tip: If you store lipstick in the refrigerator, it will last longer. Bonus tip: Want your lipstick to last longer during the day? Shade in lips with lip liner before applying lipstick.
Mascara This product expires the fastest: Throw out after 3 months. Extra tip: If you don't want your mascara to expire faster than its fresh date, don't pump the wand in & out, you're only exposing the product to drying air.
Nail Polish Up to 12 months, depending on the quality & how many times you take it on a plane (the cap always unscrews on me during flights, leaving my purse a -- fume-y -- mess!)
Powder Up to 2 years. function obL(a){if(a[0]!="Elsewhere on the Web"){var uc=(a[0]=="Related Resources"||a[0]=="Suggested Reading")?"18/19C":"18/19D";w(""+a[0]+"
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this is hilarious - i keep my makeup for a really long time - i just don't use that much and i used to buy it in mass quantities when i worked in the beauty industry.
i never believed the shelf life that the cosmetics people and salons/spas (including mine) would tell people - they said like 6 months for everything! how ridiculous!
the only thing i regularly (and fairly frequently) replace is my mascara.
Hmmm, while I think they're good general guidelines, I feel like it's partially a ploy from cosmetics manufacturers to increase sales. Unless the smell or consistency of something changes and you wash the brushes/applicators you use often, I really don't see a reason to throw something out until it's gone.
FWIW, I have:
Eyeshadows & Lipsticks that are approximatel 5 years old, still as good as new
Foundation that is 3 years old, finally almost empty but still as good as new
Nail Polish that is 7 years old, still just fine
I don't have any old powder, because I go through it fairly quickly
The only thing I replace on a regular schedule is my mascara, only because it gets too dried out to use! I've never suffered any ill effects (infections, rashes, etc) from using 'old' makeup. JMO
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I was just watching a beauty segment on our local morning show where the "expert" claimed that for optimal eye health you should throw out your mascara every 6 weeks! Hello? At like $25 bucks a pop (I use Dior show) thats pretty pricy. And a waste- no one uses a whole tube of mascara in 6 weeks.
I was just watching a beauty segment on our local morning show where the "expert" claimed that for optimal eye health you should throw out your mascara every 6 weeks! Hello? At like $25 bucks a pop (I use Dior show) thats pretty pricy. And a waste- no one uses a whole tube of mascara in 6 weeks. I thought it was really stupid.
the last time i was at sephora looking for mascara i was complaining because it seemed that the one i was using at the time "flaked". the SA asked how long i had had it (2 months) and claimed that you should throw mascara out every 2 months!