Have you seen a dermatologist? What has worked or not worked in the past? Any new or alternative things you've tried, per your doctor or on your own? Other comments? Have you had to push for more suggestions/options/more aggressive treatment if the 'normal' stuff didn't work?
My personal experience is that I've been through 3 different derms, been on every oral antibiotic, every topical antibiotic, retin-A of all strengths, etc with little to no effect. I feel like I've run out of options, since all my past docs have just shrugged their shoulders in an 'There's nothing more we can do' kind of way. I'm not sure how they expected to clear up my acne with freakin' baby-strength antibiotics anyway, but whatever. There's gotta be something that can help?!?
... and my question for NCShopper, continuing from another thread - What BCP where you on before your doc switched you to Estrostep? Did it make your skin noticeably worse? I've been on Ortho-tri before which is supposed to help with acne, but couldn't continue it because I was terribly nauseas for the 3 days following each hormonal step. Currently on Allesse, which I've finally realized is exacerbating bot some depression and some cystic acne as well.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Before I switched to Estrostep, I was on Allesse for about 4-5 years. I didn't notice that it made my skin worse per se, but it wasn't doing anything to help. I've had no side effects with Estrostep, that I can tell.
In my teens, I was on oral antibiotics, and they killed my stomach, so I couldn't stay on them. I tried just about everything in my teens and ended up just using Cetaphil, even though my skin didn't look great, just so I could settle on something that didn't irritate it.
When I first went to my derm, she told me to call my OB-Gyn and get samples of some of the BCs she recommended. I randomly chose to try Estrostep, and it's worked so well that I never tried the others.
I'm interested to hear what some of the other girls have to say about their experiences with the derms. I went to one in high school and they did a decent job, but nothing like what my skin looks like now. I think it's a matter of trial and error, but I really think that the derm reduces your error rate since they know all the best products out there and they know what they're doing. Plus, they're not just trying to sell you a bunch of crap like a lot of people at a cosmetics counter do.
I think it's a matter of trial and error, but I really think that the derm reduces your error rate since they know all the best products out there and they know what they're doing. Plus, they're not just trying to sell you a bunch of crap like a lot of people at a cosmetics counter do.
See, maybe I've just had shitty luck picking my dermatologists! I've always felt that they've approached my treatment in a very cookie-cutter way (1st we try this, then if that doesn't work we always try this, then if that doesn't work ...) instead of treating me specifically. It's like they don't think it's a serious 'problem' ! I've never had a derm suggest any 'big guns' of sorts, even after more conventional treatments failed.
Heeeeeyyyy, maybe I have the Amazing Indestructable Acne!!! Able to scale tall buildings in single leaps and bounds, sure to confound even the most qualified medical professionals!!!
I'm not ammused. I'm really interested to hear others experiences as well ... I think it might be time to get back on the derm-train again, and I want to go in armed with information!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I get a lot of "Its your hormones" from my doctor and they can't control that. Which is ridiculous in my opinion. I have tried a lot of different methods (Retin A, Differin, Benzaclyn) as well and nothing works as well as using my own regimines.
DDF Benzoyl Peroxide and Sulfur has really worked for me. My doctor used to prescribe sulfur wash and that just dried out my skin, but the acne cream works wonders. I think its about finding the right combination for you.
- to get a larger-than-normal zit zapped with cortisone
It seems like I have tried everything they can possibly prescribe for breakouts. Nothing has ever worked. Ever.
Then I got a microdermabrasion facial and it changed my life. My problem is clogged pores - my skin doesn't "exfoliate" itself enough on its own, and regular daily scrubs are too harsh. Now I get microderm every three months, use an AHA lotion at night, and I never break out anymore.
So I guess the point of my story is maybe try other options, because I haven't had good luck with a derm either.
I definitely believe that the key to clear skin, is finding the right dermatologist who knows what he is doing. I went to one in high school, who was only mediocre, but my skin could have been better and I had some scarring. Then, last fall, I broke out again pretty badly. My BF took me to his dermatologist, who is awesome! He cleared my skin up so fast, it was unbelievable. He didn't stop tryng meds until something worked for me. I do not take any oral medication, only apply creams to the face. Here's what he has me do:
In the AM, wash face w/Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash (he told me Aveeno Acne Wash would be fine as well, but I didn't find it worked as well for me)
Apply Tazorac acne cream to face in AM
At night, wash face again w/Neutrogena
Apply Benzomyicin (sp?) cream to face every other night
This has not only cleared all of my acne, but it's cleared all of the scarring I had from high school and recently. Tazorac has been a lifesaver for me!
Oh and I should also mention that I take Ortho Tri Cyclen birth control, which my derm. believes really helps my skin. I switched to Ortho Tri Cyclen lo for a while and he had me switch back to the regular.
This is slightly off-topic, but for any girls considering going on Ortho-TriCyclen for acne, you should know that the low-dose antibiotic that helps with acne can make you more prone to yeast infections. I struggled with them for two years, and not one doctor ever made the connection between the two. Finally I went to a new gyno, who put me on seasonale. I have had a little more acne than usual (thinking about going to a derm for that) but I haven't had a single yeast infection since I switched. And BELIEVE me, I'd rather have acne I can cover than a yeast infection I can't get rid of!!!!
but i have a friend who has acne issues and had been to derm after derm after derm and she swears by proactive?!?! her skin looks great now ! i wonder if this may help some of you?
I've been using Proactive for about 2 years. I like the system - the cleanser is a good exfoliator, and the toner & repairing lotion keep my skin soft and as non-flaky as possible. BUT, I really don't feel like it controls my acne. It's better than when I don't use any kind of treatment of course, but I use it mostly because it keeps my skin texture smooth so I can successfully cover up my acne/scars.
That's another thing - scars! I scar sooooo easily, not just on my face but on my whole body. And since I've had acne for 13 years now, I not only have to deal with current pimples but also 13 years worth of purple scars. And most derms won't agree to treatments to correct scarring if you're still breaking out because you'll only get more scars.
Shopchicago33 - can you tell us more about Tazorac? Is it intended to improve the appearance of scars? Is it an antibiotic/benzoyl peroxide/AHA?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I scar really easily too. I have a few big raised scars on my shoulders from pimples. It sucks.
The good thing about taking an oral acne treatment is that even if you go off whatever skin regimen you're using, the acne is still in control. At least in my case it is. I really think the key to my treatment has been finding the right BC. The topical stuff has helped too, but I really feel like the BC is what's caused the most dramatic change. I wish I had before and after pics because the change has been really dramatic.
Shopchicago33 - can you tell us more about Tazorac? Is it intended to improve the appearance of scars? Is it an antibiotic/benzoyl peroxide/AHA?
It's intended to improve acne. I think it just happened to make my scars disappear as well. I should tell you that I didn't have horrible acne or cystic acne. Just a sprout of zits around my mouth and chin, but bad enough that it made me very self concscious ya know?
As for Tazorac, it's none of the above. Here's a few links for you to do some research on it:
I think I really need to see a good dermatologist. My acne is getting out of control. I had great skin while I was on Levlin (BC) and then I went off and my skin started going crazy. I went off partly because I seemed to gain a lot of weight. So my doctor prescribed me Yasmin, telling me it should help with my skin and prevent me from gaining weight. Well, I'm at the end of my first month and I've noticed no change in my skin.
I've been using Dermalogica anti-bac skin wash, Neutrogena 2.5% benzoyl peroxide at night under moisturizer, and 2% dermalogica salycilic acid in the AM under moisturizer. I notice that the topical stuff helps the acne, but it is only temporary. I tried using the PTR BP 10% and sulfur cream which helps but TOTALLY dries out my skin.
I don't even know what to do now, I either let my skin break out or put this stuff on and walk around with dry, peeling skin.
I have acne and oily skin in the t-zone but my skin also gets really dry. My dermatologist was dumbfouded by this and I wanted to shout out, "HELLOOO?? It's called combination skin!" Anyways, here's what I've tried:
-Differin- didn't really do anything at all
-Benzaclin with Ovace face wash- okay for acne but made my skin super dry and the effectiveness waned after a while
-Clinique spot treatment-okay but took a while
-Cetaphil for oily skin-okay but smelled really bad and made me dry
Now I just do regular Cetaphil. I'm somewhat happy with it. I like that it doesn't dry my skin out all all and gets rid of my makeup but it doesn't really help/hurt my acne at all. Most of my acne are the little whiteheads that are so nasty but nothing I have tried has really worked .
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I've been through a gazillion derms starting at the age of 13 and it wasn't until I was 22 that I found one I loved (she's so good that I still see her whenever I'm in the area and e-mail her with questions even though I live 2,000 miles away now). Before that, I tried everything in the book (differin, retin-a, ortho, oral antibiotics, etc.). I know many people here are anti this, but I have to tell you, the only thing that really truly worked for me was accutane. I didn't go on a very high dose (my acne was never horrible horrible- like cystic or anything), but it was pretty indestructable like your's, Elle. At first, my doctor didn't even offer it to me (I think most don't want to seem like they're pushing it, etc.), but when I asked and we talked about it, I decided it was the thing for me. It wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world to be on, but it was one of the best things I've ever done. I know a lot of people are scared of it, but according to most studies, a six-month course of accutane is a lot less destructive to your system for most people than constantly being on antibiotics all the time.
Anyway, accutane may not be the thing for you, but it sounds like it might be worth a shot. I also think, however, that it's important you keep trying to find a derm who works for you- one who isn't going to just give you some stock program they give to everyone. I still break out from time to time now and my doctor has me on a great regimen of MD Forte cleanser (great for exfloliation), benzaclyin and clindamyincin (all incorrect spelling- sorry!) topical solutions. I also use a great prescription cleanser for acne called Rosula. If I remember correctly, you just moved to CO, right? I just moved the area as well and I've found the dry climate has been wrecking havoc on my skin. It probably goes without saying, but moisturizing and lots of water are probably the best things you can do for your skin (I had the best skin of my life when I was living in Ireland, where the air is so wet!).
I know many people have had great results with Proactiv, but a lot of derms have told me they find it to be way too stripping/drying for skin- something you might want to think about if you're drying out with the new climate. Short of accutane, before I went on it, I had decent results with microdermabrasion when I went regularly (like every three weeks or so). I have a friend on Tazorac who really likes it. It's way expensive, but I've heard of people having miraculous results with lasers as well. I haven't tried it, but a lot of girls rave about the regimen on acne.org. If you have any questions about accutane or anything else with derms, please let me know. It has worked so well for me and for friends and family of mine, that I'm a bit of an evangelist, I must admit. HTH!
The topical stuff I use in the morning is a prescription called Finacea. I really like it. It doesn't smell, doesn't burn or irritate my skin, and it doesn't leave a residue or a weird film. I can wear it under my makeup and it's great.
I too have tried everything, even accutane. Which I do not Highly reccommend unless you have terrible acne. Mine was moderate with blackheads, whiteheads, and some cystic acne, leaving me with some scarring. During the time I too accutaine my skin was beautiful and about a year after, but it is back to its old tricks. My mother is a nurse and she hates that I took this. Side effects were rough for me, major joint pain that I think still lingers 3 years later, hair thinning, ultra dry skin that made my ecsema go wild and dry mouth and eyes etc... I did not have, but know people who have, major depression.
I find my skin likes a good diet and lots of h2o. The right bc pill can help as well. I have never met anyone who had good luck with a triphasic bc pill. I am interested in the one mentioned and will be doing some investigation later. As of right now I am maintaining and dealing, for me saylasilc?? acid makes things worse as do all of the micro peels with different acids in them. I have good luck with a nice coat of benzoil peroxide morning and night, that seems to help the most. Oh and If I can not wear make up I do better. and moisturizers tend to break me out as well hypoallergenic, non com..agenic my rear end.
As for derms I have never found one that really did anything magical for me. I have come to the conclusion that they do not have a specific answer and are limited so we must try and try again until we find the combo that is right for me.
Good Luck and keep me posted with any great finds you may come across, clear skin is my dream!!
Deuce, what kind of bp are you using? I know the guy from acne.org put out his own bp gel that's supposed to be great (and way cheap- something like $8 through drugstore.com!) and I've been meaning to try it. I like the benzaclin prescription I'm on now, but I find I need a lot it for it to really work (and my insurance co-pay on it is way expensive). I think the bp in it is what really makes it work well for me.
Also, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience on accutane I know it doesn't work for everyone and you're right to point out that it can have some pretty bad effects on some people. My experience wasn't a walk in the park by any means, but it sounds like you had a bad time of it. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of dose were you on and for how long? There seems to be such differing opinions on proper dosages and length of time (I've been reading a lot about the low-dose, long-term use of accutane for maintenance)- every derm seems to do something different!
I dont remember the exact dosage. I know I could have gone stronger. For some reason 30 rings a bell. I did the standare 6 mos tour with it. My derm said I could do another 6 mos a year later if I wanted (after the acne started to return). I chose not to due to all of the side effects. I have been a bit freaked out due to all of the reactions about it from my mom and her pharmacist friends and other dr.'s etc. I have heard something to the effect that they are really watching it for cancer and other things. I know it has been great for some and I would definitely say for it if you need to. In my case I wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Right now I am using a nutrogena bp cream, but I think I want to try the ddf one. I am thinking about the one you mentioned.
i use the acne.org one- its a great deal! my skin actually looks pretty clear when i use 2.5% bp gel and doesn't get as dry as it used to. but it itches terribly =(