At least I think it's a pimple. It's really weird. I got this big red bump on my cheek on FRIDAY for heaven's sake and it WILL NOT GO AWAY!!! It's so weird. It's so big that when I look down, I can see it on my face. Ridiculous. It doesn't really hurt except when I squeeze it and then it hurts like a bitch, but it feels like its the nerves hurting, not the pimple/bump thing. And not to be gross, but nothing's happening when I squeeze it. And I don't think in all my years of dealing with acne have I ever had a pimple on my cheek. I've had them just about everywhere else but there. It's not skin cancer, is it?
If it is a pimple, how the hell do I make it go away??? Seriously it hasn't budged since Friday.
Sounds like it might be cystic acne? I get them with alarming regularity, thanks in part to my bc pills . My tips, as I am woefully experienced - TMI included.
If it's squishy (feels like there's some give just under the skin), I sterlilize a very fine needle or safety pin in alcohol to puncture it. Usually if it's squishy that means there's something in there that needs to get out, so making a tiny hole can create an 'escape route' and will relieve the pressure and therefore the pain as well. I know that everyone says 'Don't Pick!', but I find for the really big cystic ones, if I don't drain them, they never go away but instead leave a knot under the skin and tend to pop up again and again whenever I happen to bump or touch that part of my face.
If it's hard (uniformly firm), I'd warn against poking or squeezing it at all - usually just makes it worse. I'd suggest holding a very warm damp washcloth on it until it cools a few times a day. Then later, use an ice cube to help combat the swelling for 20 minutes at a time. Take some ibuprofen and a multivitamin if you don't already - I always find that I heal much faster if I'm being good about taking my vitamin.
Also, if you have any kind of clay/sulfur mask, try thoroughly dabbing the spot with it and sleeping in it.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thanks ladies! It's weird because if I touch it or press on it, it doesn't hurt, but if I squeeze it, it does.
It feels kinda hard, not like the squishy kind. I think I'm just going to keep my hands off it and slather it with all sorts of acne stuff and see if that will take care of it.
Blech. I hate pimples. My skin has been really good for the most part ever since I got on a good regimine with my derm, but I swear, aren't pimples supposed to GO AWAY after your teens?!?! Geez.
Using a little bit of hydrocortizone cream, I really like the aveeno kind can help calm down the inflamation and redness. I mix hydrocortizone with my acne medication, it seems to help out a lot.
Here are things I try for the painful ones that won't pop...
Baking soda (I mix it with a little bit of water to make a paste and then dab it on). I leave that one for an hour hoping that it helps to dry out whatever is in there. It seems to help.
triple-antibacterial ointment - to kill germs I usually only leave this on for a couple of hours and then wipe off with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol.
Cortizone cream - to take redness out...leave it on in the morning then take off before you put your makeup on.
I'm getting some good zit tips! Here are things I try for the painful ones that won't pop... Baking soda (I mix it with a little bit of water to make a paste and then dab it on). I leave that one for an hour hoping that it helps to dry out whatever is in there. It seems to help. triple-antibacterial ointment - to kill germs I usually only leave this on for a couple of hours and then wipe off with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Cortizone cream - to take redness out...leave it on in the morning then take off before you put your makeup on.
RE the hydrogen peroxide - it can actually cause scarring because as it kills the bad bacteria, it also kills the good and can prevent your skin from repairing itself as efficiently. Stick with the alcohol!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}