I just got Season 1 on dvd even though I'd never seen it before and OMG it is hillarious. My hubby and I stayed in bed watching the dvds on my laptop until noon yesterday. (I can't remember the last time we stayed in bed until after like 9:30!) I'm thoroughly hooked.
Just wondering if there are any other fans out there.
We've pretty much blown through all of Season 1 over the weekend, so I think I'm going to have to get Season 2 pretty soon.
It sucks the show is getting cancelled, but I don't really think that most Americans would "get" the show. It's definitely a certain type of humor.
When I bought it at Barnes and Noble, the guy at the register said that it's rumored that Showtime will pick up the show. I don't know if that's true or not, but I guess there's still hope!
I love this show so much. The humor is so different from what you usually see. I'm obsessed with George Michael.
I absolutely LOVE LOVE George Michael. I LOVE when GM said "what a crazy sexy time for you" in response to Maeby dating the older man. My b/f and I say that to each other all the time - we find it hysterical.
Tara wrote: I absolutely LOVE LOVE George Michael. I LOVE when GM said "what a crazy sexy time for you" in response to Maeby dating the older man. My b/f and I say that to each other all the time - we find it hysterical.
Haha, I love him and Bland (oh sorry, I mean Ann)! My cousin is actually just like him so my sister and I find it just that much more hilarious. Although knowing a George Michael is significantly less fun than watching one on TV.
Ok like my favorite Arrested Development quote ever is when Buster is supposed to be in the Army cause Lucille signed him up for good press. "Buster, what are you doing home so early?" "Oh, the army had a half day."
Best quote ever. I have no idea why I find it so hilarious.
this show is so quotable it's ridiculous - my brother and i walk around the apartment quoting it to eachother all the time (but we do this with lots of shows)
my favorites right now are (Gob) "I've made a huge mistake."
and also when Lucille says "I love all my children equally," and then it cuts to her saying "I don't care much for Gob."
I love this show! I sometimes try saying "Michael" the way Gob does, but just can't seem to get my voice down that low. :)
I was watching a re-run of Sex and the City, the one where Samantha gets nude pictures taken professionally, and Buster was in it! He played some guy in charge of music at the photo shoot.