I've been contemplating whether to get my eyebrows tattooed or not. I have very little body hair all over, never shaved my legs, ever! I have one strand of hair on my knee and sorry if this grosses you out, but I let it grow... I call it my pet hair.... Just enough in other places(!) to not look weird....
With time, I've learned and had enough chances to practice penciling them in. I do a pretty darn good job too. I don't hate my natural eyebrows -or lack of-, just wish I had more so I don't look too "empty" after I wash my face or go swimming and stuff.
Anyway, I love my facial lady(she's super picky when it comes to skin care and so am I) and she recommended a tattoo artist who specializes in eyebrow tattoos. Her clients' age ranges between 20 - 70 year-olds... Been wanting to get one but I'm super prudent when it comes to things like these ... was wondering if anyone has ever gotten one? Recommends or against? Anyone who knows my agony?
Thanks for reading my post. Kinda feeling super chatty today.
I agree with erin - since your natural color is so light, the chances of them looking natural after being tatooed are slim to none. Have them tinted, and follow up with a tinted brow gel.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
My MIL had it done and she looks scary. She also has her lips and eyes lined. It looks very unnatural, almost drag queen/exaggerated. I personally wouldn't do it.
You know how old tattoos on old guys look? Faded, navy blue, kinda blurry....well that would be your eyebrows years down the road! Please don't do it-I'm sure your beautiful without it!
My MIL and her mom both have tatooed eyebrows. My MIL's are too dark. They looked fine when she was younder adn wore her hair dark, but now she is wearing her hair lighter and they don't look good. And, when she goes gray, she will have dark brow eyebrows. Her mothers are even worse, the color is off and the shape is terrible. She always look surprised.
I would do the tinting too, or just look a little washed out when you do get out of the pool and learn to live with it. If you do want to have it done, take someone with you that will help with the shape, and go lighter than you think, you can always have them done darker, but lightening them later isn't possible.
I have my eyebrows tinted, and it always looks great. However if you have sensitive skin, make sure you don't wax and tint on the same day. I had a bad reaction.
Thank you all for your opinion. I guess I needed to hear it over and over. I don't know what I was thinking. I know some old ladies with old tattoos and indeed they look blue and scary... I won't do it but look into getting them tinted. Thanks!
Two of my aunts did this. One liked how it turned out. It doesn't look unnatural on her at all. The other one cried after she got this done because her eyebrows turned out darker than she expected.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. I think the others' suggestions for eyebrow tinting is a better alternative.