I was a size two, but over the summer I gained a couple of weight. I'm now a size 4/6. I'm really disappointed. I'm thinking of going back to the gym since I do have a membership. I was wondering if you girls have any tips on how to lose my tummy fat. Exercises? What to eat or what not to eat? I would really really appreciate it!
I'll tell you what my Personal Trainer boyfriend always tells me...you can do all the crunches/sit ups in the world, but unless your diet is right and you do cardio, you'll never lose the fat. Soo...I do do crunches about 3 times a week to have ab muscle, but I also do Cardio 3 times a week to burn fat. I also try to eat right. I'd cut the soda out for sure - lots of empty calories. HTH - if you need any other info, feel free to ask. I can always ask my BF more questions for you.
Abs are made in the kitchen and on the tredmill. Eat clean-lots of protein and good carbs and burn some calories. Also, lift heavy because the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Also, muscle is 5x denser (smaller) than fat so you'll look leaner as you gain muscle.