I spent the spring taking a meditation class, and an unexpected side benefit was that I am a little less afraid of spiders than I was. I didn't join the class to lessen my fear, but it just happened. I definitely continue to dislike them, but at least I don't have to run out of the room and/or suffer from a flood of adrenaline and cortisol every time I see one on tv or in a magazine.
Any one who read the chat section yesterday knows that I hate clowns (who are inherently creepy. I'm pretty sure I didn't like them as a kid, but the TV movie IT cemented my loathing of them.)
And Oopma Loompas from Willie Wonka. They are unnaturally green and orange and evil. They are just evil.
Nope, Lollypop Guild doesn't bother me. I think the whole Willie Wonka movie creeps me out. I'll never understand how it considered to be a treasured children's movie. When I was a kid, my dad took me to see it at our local library (they used to show movies during the summer.) When that girl inflated to a beach ball from eating the blueberry candy (gum?), I apparently had a major 7 year old freak out and was asked to leave the building. I've hated Oompa Loompa ever since. The song is enough to make me shudder.
D, large flying insects do not generally scare me but a few years ago I had the largest praying mantis in my car and it totally freaked me out!
Dead animals freak me out. I've had precautionary mousetraps downstairs for years and no mice. A few weeks ago I was surprised to find one & I could not for the life of me bring myself to pick it up. So disgusting! Road kill, dead bunnies or birds in the yard also get to me. I feel like they immediately start to decompose and then there could be maggots, etc. I'm freaked out just writing about it.
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
snails...........so slimy and nasty looking. Oh and I cant stand to have my head covered such as sleeping under the blanket, and this may be to TMI but in public bathrooms I cant stand the small stalls, if I know Iam the only one in there I leave the door open. Werid huh
Let me just preface this with : I usually think of myself as this strong, brave tackle-it-all kind of gal, but once I really sat down to think about it...well...eepers jeepers I'm looking a bit wimpy! ~Bees (and wasps) as I'm allergic, so anything that buzzes around me in the summer months set my adrenaline off. ~Spiders...but only after I've smooshed them with a kleenex...I think I'm afraid they'll come back to life and get revenge...I quite literally freak out after I kill them, hopping up and down and shrieking. ~Thunderstorms...first sign of a storm and I'm quivering in a corner. In my defense my car has been struck three times in the past...while I was driving it! ~Deep murky water. I love the ocean, I love lakes, love swimming etc... But the idea that something might be lurking near my feet ready to pounce and I can't see it? Aaaaaack!
Me too. BIG time. In the yard, in the road, whole dead bodies in the meat department...doesn't matter if he/she has (had) feathers, fins or fur. I can't deal with it. Ironically dead humans do not bother me at all. I've literally stepped over dead people in the street walking to work. Open casket funerals, no problem. But a dead bird in the yard - fuhgeddaboutit.