I've been really bad about going to the gym this week. I've been sluggish and last night I had a super bad headache, so I didn't end up going again. I need to get more committed. I wanted to lose another 5lbs before my birthday, and now it is only two weeks away.
I'm going to start fessing up again before I'm larger than this chair I'm sitting it. I keep eating crap at work and I feel like crap. I haven't gained weight but I feel like I'm rounding out . So this weekend I'm going back on WW and I need yall to make sure I don't eat bad stuff!!
So far today (its the last day of crap eating)
B: 2.5 kolashies (bad bad bad )
S: 1 tiny box of purple nerds
L: smoothie
D: light strawberry margaritas and who knows what else.