Is there anyway to block a "friend" from seeing most of your content? I just got a friend request from a woman who works in the office next to mine. We work for the same family (I work for the brothers who are accountants and she works for the brothers who are doctors.) She's compeltely nuts and I don't want her to have personal info on me, let alone know when i'm on FB during the work day. She loves to spread rumors or talk crap about people. I'm friendly with another woman in her office and I know that this psycho Xeroxes my friend's timecards among other things.
If I ignore her request, I know there will be retribution from this psycho. I have daily contact with the doctor's office, plus it's actually my regular medical provider. Basically, can I accept her request, then block her from seeing most of my stuff until i can quietly de-friend her in a month?
God, it's like I'm back in high school. I don't need this drama.
First, accept her friend request. Then go to your upper right corner of FB and click Account>Privacy Settings.
In the "Sharing on Facebook" section of your Privacy Settings page, click "Custom" and then at the bottom of that box, click "Customize Settings."
There will now be a list of "Things I Share" where you can see everything you share (statuses, photos, etc.). Next to each there is a drop-down box you can click where you can specify who sees it. From that drop-down box, select "Cutomize" and then a new window will pop up where you can type the names of the people you want to hide things from. Just go through every thing you share and hide it from her.
After you've hidden everything from her, at the top of the "Customize Settings" page (which is the page with the list of "things I Share"), click the "Preview my Profile" button. Click that, and you will see a preview of your profile. At the top of the window, you can type in the name of anyone (like this woman) to see how your profile will appear to them.
There ARE some things I think you simply cannot hide. I forget exactly which, but I think it might be your education and work history, and maybe the pages you've "liked"? It might have changed since FB redesigned a few weeks ago.
Good luck!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
It's a bit more complicated but you can also create friend lists, and control what lists see what posts. I have lists for work people, family, members of the media, animal activists, etc. Lots of things I share only with certain lists.