crunches. I just bought and ab roller and it didn't really come with any instructions except, "in a few minutes a day, you could tone your abdomen." Now the first day I did it, I did it for about 10 minutes which was about 200 crunches (I did them slow). Then my FH said I should do 3 reps of 30. So the second day I did 3 reps of 50. That doesn't seem like enough sit ups to tone by belly. Does anyone know what a good amount/length of time to do it is?
My personal trainer has me doing an full ab routine that consists of about 140 crunches.
60 - 80 - regular crutches - works the middle
40 - sides - 20 per side
20-40 - lower abs
I personally dont like the ab machines. I feel more controlled when I do it alone.
Are you pressing too hard with your hands/arms? I know this is a common mistake with a machine. Some people think they are really using their abs and torso when they are really pushing themselves up with their neck and putting a lot of pressure on their arms. Concentrate really hard on relaxing your whole body and letting your abs pull you up.
No I'm definitely not using my arms. I can feel it in my stomach; and I was aware that using your arms is a common mistake so I am conscious of it so and don't do that. I feel like a reckless idiot without the machine (legs flailing and such) so it's been really beneficial in that respect. I just wanted to know about how many crunches I should do per day so that I see results.