I have rosacaea on my face and have been using Cetaphil spf 15 face lotion. I'm kinda interested in trying somethign new, and I was wondering if they carry anything that might be worth trying. I find a lot of times that lotion is too greasy, even though I don't have greasy skin at all, and that my face ends up feeling really crusty later on. I don't wear any makeup and get like 1 zit a month. I also get this weird dry flaky spot in the crease where my chin meets my bottom lip. (does that make any sense?) No matter how much lotion I put on the dryness and flaking doesn't go away, it just gets greasy. I also need a lot of spf since I have very fair skin. Any ideas???
The best thing you can do for your skin is to moisturize it. Keeping your skin hydrated will slow down the aging process. As far as the flaky patch, you need to exfoliate twice a week. Flagship Bath and Body Works stores have a good clinical skincare selection, ranging from brands like Murad to Peter Thomas Roth. I'm not really sure about the Bath and Body Works skincare line though.
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
My mom has rosacaea and she has been using DDF products lately and her face looks great. I've never used B&BW stuff on my face so I'm not sure what to tell you. All I really know is that if something is working for you then don't change it until it stops.
I'm actually not supposed to exfoliate becuase the abrasion will cause more blood vessels to break. And after the amount of money I spent this year on laser tx, I'm not taking any chances!
Maybe you should try a lotion without SPF? I once tried Olay lotion with the sunscreen and vitamins and it made my skin dry and flaky! Regular Olay lotion works for me. You'll just need to wear a hat if staying out in the sun.
The flaky patch is probably not dry skin, but like aclassicbeauty said, oily skin that isn't exfoliating itself.
If you can't use a exfoliating scrub, try Neutrogena Healthy Skin lotion with alpha hydroxy. It's a less abrasive way to get rid of dead skin. I also had laser done on some broken capillaries, so I don't use a scrib anymore, just the Neutrogena lotion.
I think I've used that before and it did the same thing as all the other lotions. However, this weekend I'm going to be by a Sephora so I'm going to start another post related to that.