In the past few weeks, my mascara has mysteriously started smudging under my eyes after a few hours. This has NEVER been a problem for me so I don't really know what's going on. I haven't really changed my skin care routine, and while our A/C at home did break (so it's hotter and more humid at home than it used to be), my mascara still smudges when I'm just sitting at work in a perfectly air conditioned office.
I bought the waterproof version of Lash Blast thinking maybe that would help, but today it still smudged after a couple hours.
Any mascara recs or ideas?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
The only sugg I have is trying to keep moisturizer and foundation away from your lashline. Also, if you use and eye makeup remover, could some residue be left over, causing this smudging problem?
I used to use Great Lash but last year the smudging became a problem for me (out of the blue too.) I got a Dior mascara as a sample from Sephora and no more smudges! Even when it's been in the 90's here in Chicago, my eyes have stayed raccoon free. I don't know if it's my body chemistry or if the more expensive mascara is just better made, but I'm happy to pay a little more for the Dior if it works all day for me.
If you want to upgrade, I'd recommend going to Sephora and playing around.
greendiamond - thanks for the recs! Are those the tubey kind?
pollyjean - I have to admit that I do put moisturizer right up to the lash line, but I've always done that so I figured if that was the problem, it would have happened a long time ago. Worth experimenting though! It's almost definitely not my eye makeup remover. I take off my eye makeup at night and wash my face in the morning, so I think by then it would be gone. And I've also been doing that forever too.
Boots - Maybe it is body chemistry. This has happened with three mascaras now, but one was older and Lash Blast is cheapy so maybe those experiments can't be trusted
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I use the Loreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes and it does not smudge. Every other mascara I use leaves me looking like I got in a fight by the end of the day. It's fun to take it off too. I just splash water on my lashes and kind of hold my hands over them and very gently rub off the mascara. It comes right off! I hate eye makeup remover, so this is a perfect solution for me.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Its weird to me - it sounds like the problem has to be something else since you've never had the problem before - I'd concentrate on the foundation and moisturizer issue.
I have the same problem. finally switched to waterproof L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion mascara. I LOVE the wand, its the little ball at the end, and it get all my lashes coated and defined! Especially since I started using those drops again to grow my lashes
Another thing I just thought of is that with summer having been in full swing, the temperature might just be at a point that passes the mascara's threshold. While you may not be sweating like crazy or anything, it might be just warm enough (or maybe humid enough) to make the mascara lose its grip. Couple this with possible tipping-points for the moisturizer and foundation you're wearing -- it could be the problem (or part of it).
I just can't figure it out. The heat/humidity would make sense except that it's cooling down now (and getting less humid) and it's still happening. And it smudges whether I'm outside or freezing in my office's air conditioning!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I use the Loreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes and it does not smudge. Every other mascara I use leaves me looking like I got in a fight by the end of the day.
Wow! I bought this last night and put it on this morning. I just went to the bathroom for the first time today and was scared of what I would see in the mirror. And everything looks fine! There were a few flakes but I just wiped them away. No smudging. I'm so excited!!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123