My bf and I are moving and we dont have any money for furniture, so my grandma and I went garage sailing and I got all this stuff for free. I forgot to take before pictures but the stuff was junk. the lamps were blue with horrible floral shades, the night stands were wood with that fake wood looking paper over it. the canvas was a picture of a weird bird.. butn ot anymore here is what some spraypaint and gloss and new hardware did to these.
You can't tell but I got this textured spray paint so it kinda is bumpy...hard to explaine!
I am really no artist, I just made a stencile for the red part and then decopoged(sp?) the other stuff from a magazine.
The total cost for all this stuff was about $20.00. Now if only I could make a washer and dryer!
Thanks everyone I am really proud of myself I usualy start a project and never finish it.
lynnie wrote:
love those drawer pulls- they look like coral! As you can see I love coral drawer pulls (see my furniture question post)
Hehe I saw them at anthro too but they were too spendy for me. At homedepo the ones I used are only $3.00 each and I just spray painted them. great minds think alike!
theotherjess wrote:
Wow, it's amazing what a layer of paint and a few hours can do! How did you get all the stuff for free?
I got the end tables at a garage sale originaly for $5 each and the nice little old lady who was running it just gave them to me. The lamps and the canvas were in a 'free' box.