I have been suffering from vertigo for the last 3 weeks and I am losing my damn mind. I see the doctor again this afternoon (first diagnosis said labrinthitis, and it would be bad the first 5 days, then hang around another 2-3 weeks), but I am wondering if any one has any tricks or experience to share. I can't get into the ENT for another month. Apparently vertigo isn't a priority of theirs.
Mine is really severe, and I am missing work due to ti, and I just started a new job 2 weeks ago, so I am particularly aware of the time at work I am missing.
I get a pretty sever case of vertigo every 3 to 4 years. It's so bad that I can't get out of bed (or move) for the first 24-36 hours. The world spins everytime I even open my eyes. I have to stay laying down in bed with my eyes closed. And, without getting graphic, the nausea is extreme. Every time I get it (3 times now) it is the most awful experience and scary as all hell. For me, the vertigo then sticks around in decreasing degrees for about 2 weeks after the initial bout. Each of my 2 brothers have now gotten vertigo in the last 2 years, but both had cases that were much less sever (they were capable of walking and functioning without throwing up every other minute.)
I've been to a few doctors about it, as have my brothers, and they can't give us a cause. I think we've inherited my father's inner ear unbalance personally. I've done some research and most places attribute vertigo to crystals in the inner ear that break off and affect balance.
There are exercises and therapies that are supposed to help. However, the idea of moving my head and neck while the world spins around me is just beyond me when it hits. But if you have a lessor case where you can function somewhat, you might ask your doctor about the therapy.
Even after the worst case, I've been able to go back to work 4-5 days later. Sure I walk around like I'm drunk, but it gets a little better each day.
Hope your case improves rapidly. Try not to move your head too much and just take it as easy as you can.
My mom suffers from periodic bouts of vertigo and luckily one of her neighbors at her condo is one of the best ENTs in the country and happens to specialize in vertigo. He says vertigo is caused by the teeny tiny ear crystals getting out of their normal spot in your inner ear and it typically happens as a result of one of three things: 1) a bump on the head, 2) an infection, or 3) old age. The ear crystals start to bump around other parts of your inner ear that they're not supposed to and that impacts your balance. As a result, your eyes twitch back and forth because there's a disconnect between what your eyes and your ears are telling your brain. A really good ENT can look at your eyes when you're having an episode and determine where your ear crystals are and then move your head around to get the crystals to fall back in place, but it's not really something you can do at home on your own (unfortunately).
Is there another ENT in your area? I'd call around and see if there's somewhere else you can go because three weeks of this is way too long, especially when it completely puts your life on hold. I'm sorry you've got it. My mom's severity varies a bit, but some episodes have just completely laid her out for days. It sucks. I hope you can get some treatment soon and get some relief.
Thanks guys. I am at work today, but doubt I'll put in a full day. I ams still experiencing the vertigo pretty badly, but I feel the best I have in 4 days, so I figured I had better get some hours in at work. I have Vertigo PT tonight. We'll see how that goes. I am not looking forward to it!