Anyone have some recommendations on natural products for all over moisture. Preferably something fairly inexpensive, non-staining and easy to apply. I've used regular lotions or dry oil sprays for years and just bought the Burts Bees oil for my son's winter dry skin.
I don't know how natural it is, but I've been using Johnson's Baby oil with Aloe on my legs this winter. I put a bit on right after the shower and it works wonders for me. It's around $3 or $4 bucks too.
Kiss My Face has some great body lotions. Check for some natural options at good prices.
Boots, since you don't have the pleasure of being a FB friend of me or Tati, here's a scary item on Johnson & Johnson - they will be the defendants in a class-action lawsuit alleging they use banned carcinogenic chemicals in their baby products.
Kiss My Face has some great body lotions. Check for some natural options at good prices.
Boots, since you don't have the pleasure of being a FB friend of me or Tati, here's a scary item on Johnson & Johnson - they will be the defendants in a class-action lawsuit alleging they use banned carcinogenic chemicals in their baby products.
I like Alba Extra Emollient body lotion - Unscented. It still has essential oils in it (lavender and rosemary, maybe others), but it works very nicely and hasn't irritated my skin. has a good price on it right now.