I was looking for Tano handbags online (for anyone who isn't familiar with Tano bags, they're fabulous bags made with great leather and for really good prices), and the only place they're available online is www.musthavebag.com Well, the one I wanted was sold out until fall, so I emailed them. She promptly got back to me (we've actually emailed like 5 times today) and was more than willing to help. She's even going to call me before the fall ones are available on the website! I found out that she runs her business out of her home so that she can be with her two little girls, I'm all about helping someone be a stay-at-home mom!!! And shipping is free via UPS in the continental US! Anyway, I highly recommend them!
i *think* i saw the bags at a store today, and i must say, if it is the same bag, it is VERY nice quality. HOTNESS!!! i was in a hurry, just popping in, but the price was about the same.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I love Tano bags! I bought one in February but didn't know about the website at the time. I just stumbled across the bags at a store near my apartment and instantly fell in love...
Actually, the store I bought mine from sells a few different Tano bags online, as well. This is the site: Koo de Kir