I saw an advertisement on gofugyourself.com (one of my fave websites) for the Real Giligans Island and I could not believe how disgusting it is! I guess it is 2 of the women having a pie fight and you can see all of one of their asses and she is on top of the other one. At first I thought it was for a porno. I know TBS is playing Sex and the City and other racy tv shows, but this is just getting out of hand. I mean, this show to me just seems like a very sexed up version of survivor. I can't believe how they are now starting to show women as these porn sexy symbols on national tv. I don't have kids, but if I caught my young ones watching this it would be a problem. Where is the FCC??? I know they go a bit overboard in trying to keep smut off tv and stuff, but this takes the cake when I see an ad for something on tbs that I think is a porn movie at first glance! When is all the sex mania going to end? Does anyone else agree with me that this is wrong???