I am a total chicken! I admit it. I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow (all four of them!). I am gonna be anethestized (sp?) so I know the actual process won't hurt at all but I am thinking about afterward. Can anyone give me any advice or tips for aftercare or to calm my nerves? Thanks guys!!
BUT, it's really not bad. I had all mine out with just Novacaine. It hurts afterward, but it's not unbearable. I just took some Advil and went to bed. Make sure you get extra cotton pads from the dentist to absorb the blood (I know, sorry, gross) and resist the urge to vigorously rinse your mouth out. Oh, and don't plan on wanting to kiss anyone for about three days. You'll be fine! Be brave! By some cheesy magazines to take your mind off things.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
i had three of mine (i didn't have 4- i have no idea why!) removed by surgery and with the anesethisia (sp?) and the painkillers- i really didn't feel anything! i was super nervous too and i really didn't need to be once it was all over with... you'll be fine!
I had mine done w/ just novacaine too. It wasn't that bad. It sucked because I had all this gauze in my mouth and it was bloody- gross. That night I went to a movie.
My advice is even if you don't feel bad- just chill on eating a lot of hard foods or chewing. I thought I was okay and I ate popcorn and it hurt SOOOO bad. For the next week I was so nervous I lived on chocolate pudding.
Good luck and everything will be fine!
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
Oh! I just had mine out a couple of months ago. The actual procedure is fine, the afterward is a little tough, but you'll totally be okay! Make sure you really ice your cheeks a lot in the first 24 hours after (they should give instructions on how to). It seems silly, but it really makes the difference between having a puffed-up face for days and a relatively normal-looking one. Also, they might give you some pain killers to take for the week after. They do help, but I would be really careful with them- I was feeling totally exhausted and sick to my stomach and I thought it was the procedure itself. I decided to switch to some over-the-counter pain remedies after a couple of days and I found I felt so, so, so much better. Everybody reacts to those medicines differently, but it's just something to keep in mind! Oh, and drink lots and lots of yummy milkshakes and I second Lisa's suggestion of cheesy mags (some good 80s movies always help too!). Good luck- you'll be fine, promise!
I had my wisdom teeth out the same way you are. The nurse told me to put ice in 2 ziplock bags, and then put each bag in one of my knee highs. She said to tie the feet together and then tie the tops around the top of my head, so the ice will stay on. It worked really well. I didn't have to hold ice on my face, and so I kept it on for longer. I didn't swell up that much, which was really nice. I think it was because I kept the knee high icebags strapped to my face. Just don't leave them on for too long. I think the nurse will tellyou how long you can have ice.
One thing I wasn't expected was the two huge bruises I had on my cheeks. It looked like I lost a bar fight! They went away pretty quickly too.
If they give you painkillers that knock you out, ask for Tylenol 3 w/ Codiene (sp?). It kills the pain but won't make you a zombie. I had percoset but only took it the first day, since I couldn't function on it.
I had mine out and it wasn't that bad. I do strongly recommend icing. My boyfriend was so great, I took my pain killer, crawled into bed and went to sleep. He did the ice on for 30 min and of and on again. The Dr. will tell you the exact intervals, but even that evening I was doing great with very little swelling. My BF was a lifesaver I had no swelling the next day at all because of his caetaking, and I was asleep the whole time (the good drugs are to thank for that). Any how it is scary but as soon as you get the anastesia you will be much better. Good luck, Oh and be very careful with the stiches and rinsing.
I had all four of mine taken out in January of this year. You definitely need to ice afterwards. I constantly had ice on my face, around my jaw, and I had absolutely NO swelling at all. The pain isn't too bad. But be careful with the medications. I was really sick to my stomach for four days and couldn't keep anything down, and then i finally realized it was because of the medication. I swtiched to an over the counter pain medication like advil. Also, be sure you clean our your mouth just like they will instruct (for several weeks). It really helps the healing process.
Smoothies, mac and cheese, and applesauce became my life for like a week :)
the only thing that i have to add that no one else posted is that before you take your pain killers (percocet, tylenol with codine, etc..) make sure you eat something! you can't take those on an empty stomach or you will get sick. i learned the hard way(before i became a nurse) because before surgery you will need to be NPO (whoops, nothing by mouth). so your stomach will be empty, then they instruct you to take pain killers after surgery. make sure you eat something!!! i got sick and since you can't spit (cuz it might rip out your stitches...this won't happen, but they don't want you to spit) i was in a tough situation.
also, my dad was taking care of me, and i asked for mashed potatoes, he mashed them with a fork and i got a bit of hard potatoes and it hurt like no other!!! so make sure you don't eat anything hard. i lived off of KFC mashed potatoes (i love them) and slurpees and milkshakes. it's not bad, and everyone is your slave, so live it up!!!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
hmmm... i had mine done in college. well, they never grew out, they were growing sideways and impacted so they had to cut through the gums, break the tooth into bits and extract theym and stitch the gums back. I felt NOTHING and that was perfect! even when i get a cavity fixed, I always need 3 shots to numb the pain. Anethesia is a beautiful thing,..,.
good luck! just make sure whoever is gonna pick you up comes on time cuz waiting sucks.