I almost didn't vote because I am so over them all, but since I had to pick one I went with Star Wars. I mean the whole 3-series saga totally sucked, from plots to the computer imaging, yet this is going to be the biggest blockbuster of all time??? Blech, it's all so cheesy.
I couldn't vote because I couldn't chose - can you add an "all of the above" choice??? I supposed if I was FORCED to chose one, I'd say Paris & Paris. I am just sick of looking at her - and oh yeah, I DON"T CARE!!!!!!!! I don't care if she's getting married I don't care if she gets naked & has sex videos. I don't care if she is in her swimsuit washing a car in a Carl's Jr add. I JUST DON"T CARE!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Star Wars! Star Wars! I can't even talk to anyone without them asking if I've seen the new Star Wars yet. Yet always being the key word, like they are assuming if I haven't seen it that I plan to. Believe it or not, I have made it through 25 years without ever seeing one Star Wars movie!
I am also SOOOoo over britney & kevin, & lindsay lohan
yeah, me too. It was hard to pick, but I picked Paris because out of all those on the list, she has been making tabloid headlines without the other Paris for the longest streak. I have to admit though I am AM interested in seeing a wedding pic, if it ever happens.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
All but Angelina. I don't care about all this tabloid craziness, I still really respect her. But good lord, I am so sick of Lindsay, Britney and Kevin, Holmes and Cruise, and Paris and Paris.