so sad to see brittney go... i think keenyah needs to leave, have u seen her belly? i mean i'm all about healthy looking models, but her belly totally portrudes & she doesn't seem to care, she just keeps eating (although that could be clever editing also). i was shocked tho when they did the side by side of her when she first started. her tummy used to be flat! i sure hope naima wins, i almost had a heart attack when she was in the bottom 2!
I'm surprised they decided to keep Keenyah instead of Britney. Maybe they're keeping Keenyah just a bit longer for ratings, since she certainly adds to the drama factor. I started laughing when Keenyah and Kahlen were talking and then out of the blue Keenyah goes, "Is that chocolate?" and then asks for a piece. I just hope Kahlen and Naima are in the top 2, but I am rooting for Kahlen.
keenyah is the worst. her attitude is so annoying! but i can see her as being the only thing as a catalyst for the show. i mean all the other girls seem like they like each other and are very lovey-dovey. but it's like c'mon, there's just one episode left!.. please let her go.
i hope brittney continues with modeling. she strikes me as the most "model." the other girls look short.
I was really sad to see Britney go, she was a bit loud but I liked her. Keenyah definately needs to go but I have the feeling she is going to win because Tyra has a similar body to hers and seems to associate herself with her. I did think it was hysterical that she didn't know whether Nelson Mandela was alive or dead and then seemed to care so much about being in his cell. Yes it's emotional but seriously if you cared so much you'd know he was alive.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw