I want to make a sampler, like a "Bless This House" sort of thing in a frame. However, I've never done this before. I learned how to do cross stitch when I was little but I don't really remember.
Does anyone have any suggestions for books or places that sell kits/patterns?
I have a quote that I want to use that is like 8 words long but other than that I was just thinking of doing some little simple nonsense design in the corners or just doing a really plain house.
And is there any chance that I could complete this by May 24th?!
i like the needlepoint books and patterns from the dover needlework series. the book 101 Needlepoint Stitches and How to Use Them was really helpful for me when i decided i wanted to take up cross-stitch a few years ago. they also have books of iron-transfers and other patterns. i know they are available on amazon.com.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I don't do it but my little sister does (I swear she is 14 going on 50 ). I think if you go to a store like Michaels they sell paper that you can sketch you pattern out on- its kind of like graph paper but "calibrated" to the holes in the material. I don't know how long it would take a beginner to do something like that but it would probably take her about a week, so I'm sure you could finish it by mid-May! Have fun! I tried to get into it, but didn't have the patience.
I used to do them a lot and you could totally get one done by the 24th. Any arts and crafts store will have the materials you need - mesh base, thread, needlepoint needles, pen to draw your design. I used to get the kits that had a pre-designed base and all the thread needed to complete the needlepoint in one bag; you could pick up a small one to practice before starting on your own. You live in NYC, right? I'm sure the Pearl near Houston (I think it's near Houston, anyway) would have this stuff.
They make computer programs where you can design your own patterns. If you can't find a pattern you like check out the software and make your own. Not sure where to get it though.