Girls, I don't think I need advice, I just need to vent rant and get this thing out of my system (if you have any advice, tho, go ahead, I could use anything).
This morning, like 30 mins after I got to work, the secretary informed me that a colleague, let's call her Joan, got her 2 weeks notice from our boss (who is away for work). She knew b/c he cc the e-mail to her.
I got so scared, you can't magine (I actually had to sit down). First of all, I feel bad for her, but she was switching job this summer anyway. But then, I am so worried I could be next!
I haven't had any results for a while, b/c my equipment has been down for months, and I was trying to make it work (together with another colleague); so I started to get new data about 2 moths ago. My problem is that I usually feel like my boss is so busy and I should leave him alone, but at this point I think I should continuously inform him of my problems or progress, so that he doesn't think I am doing nothing.
ppl from work keep saying that I shouldn't worry, that I am always there while Joan would come in late leave early and not be there every day. But my biggest concern is that my visa is valid as ling as I hold the job!
Besides, I love the job, I love the environment, I like my boss and I still have a lot to learn from him. If he had the same opinion of me that I have of him, I'd be set for my whole life!
Sorry for the length of this (pointless?) post, but I am still nervous.
Ant thoughts/suggestions? Ever been is a similar situation? tia
I have been in the similar situation many times in my company because we are very unstable as a corporation, but not because of any possible performance issues. What I would do in this situation is speak to your boss when he comes back and just voice your concerns, and let him know what you think of him and the job ...