I think I did pretty well, considering I slacked big time on the exercise last week. The only activity I had was walking the dog everyday. I'm really stepping it up now though... my friend's mother just won a free cruise and invited BF and me to go along with them. She's thinking of going in June/July, so I have a whole new goal!
I gained :( I was super bad this weekend and ate out practically every meal so I'm not really surprised. Heading back to the gym tonight and counting my points again.
Week loss: +.0085 (is it change divided by last week's weight?)
No change here either ... but I didn't gain even though we went out almost every day, so I guess that's something. I got husband to split meals with me most of the times .
New elliptical belt coming this week, weather is supposed to get better (although it's currently snowing so we'll see), and I got a better cable box in the master bedroom so I can do On Demand exercise videos. I'm hoping to post some loss next week!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I didn't calculate it because I'm too lazy right now but, I dropped 2 lbs since last week. I'm going to save my excitement though because I was bloated from my period last week.
ETA: I came up with Week loss 0.015% Total loss 0.015%
-- Edited by rosie_the_riveter at 01:29, 2009-03-10
i weighed myself yesterday before heading to the airport, just didn't have any time to post yesterday. i am happy - it was a hard week. but i learned a lot about my eating habits and where i need to make some corrections.
this week will be really hard because i am traveling with DH and at night the drinks will be flowing, as they always do at his conferences. hopefully the eating choices i make and the walking around NY will cancel out the extra calories i will likely be having at night. i am sticking to wine at least though, no mixed drinks. and i did my pilates series of leg work this morning...better than nothing. i just have to really pay attention to the food and alcohol volume i consume!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler