I feel bad bringing it up because we, especially him, are so stressed right now. Financial stress....surprise huh! So I really don't want to bring it up to not add stress, but again, I think I'm also testing him to see if he remembers? and then, I cant help but be a brat and know that we will probably not to anything cause of $. k...I just needed to vent. I've been keeping this in along with all our personal problems. I dont go telling anyone our business, but I had to let it out, and I chose to do it here. I didn't post to get sympathy. I know I should be, and am grateful for a lot of things in life right now even though we are going through such tough issues in our lives
You can be grateful for all the things you do have in your life and still want your birhtday acknowledged. You're not being bratty or a baby at all, there are plenty of free things he can do to celebrate your birthday, remembering it is one!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I don't think you're being a brat! I think birthdays are very special.
Maybe you can bring it up by asking him if he'd be interested in doing something simple for your b-day like take a picnic lunch of sandwiches to the park or go for a scenic drive and watch the sunset. It sounds like it would be good for both of you to take a break from the grind and do something quiet and relaxing.
Unless he's numb from the neck up and forgot, he might be stressed about not being able to do something fabulous for you, so if you mention it, maybe he'd be grateful?
May be you could say something like... "For my bday, this wed (or thu, or mon, or whatever) I'd like to go/to make/to invite... etc. So you'll remind him without hinting you know he forgot. Something like For my birthday I'd love to go to x restaurant. What do you think? Should I cann and make a reservation for Thu? Or - I hope my aunt is not gonna give me another silver frame for my birthday...
I don't think you're being a brat. Birthdays are very special... it's the one day out of the whole year that's all about you! I'm sorry that you're going through such a stressful situation, and I hope it gets better for you soon. I hope he remembers.
Did I read that right... your birthday is this Sunday-- today? Happy birthday!!!