Well at Best Buy we have a commitee that is dedicated to promoting employee morale, recognition,etc. Today was our monthly meeting , and we were going to go over our Gallup survey that we had administered back in January. I am the captain of this group of seven employees who represent this commitee. The meeting began and my co-worker E started to talk about the results of the survey. I was confused, since we both agreed that I would be doing the talking, but either way I let him continue to do the talking. But while E was talking, our general manager asked him who would be talking about the survey results on Saturdays meeting. Our other manager L said that E and himself would be doing. I felt like I got slapped in the face since he did not mention my name. I stood there for a moment, then I stepped out of the conference room and headed to the restroom. I felt the tears watering up, and I was getting so angry. I felt that I was being left out, and being able to make any decisions. So I decided to not go back to the meeting, one because my eyes were all watery, and red. Two, at that moment I was just pissed and wanted to quit. I heard afterwards the my manager L, and co-worker E were disapponted and furious because I did not go back to the meeting. Was I childish???? Now how do I handle the situation???? I was thinking of calling my manager L. and apologize, before I have any akward confrontation with him on Saturdays meeting. Advice? sorry so long.
Honesty is the best policy in my opinion. Just be straight forward, give an apology and explain yourself. Your reaction sounds so human so I think they should understand and would appreciate you being direct with them, plus letting them know how you feel will hopefully prevent future misunderstandings. Goodluck!
Well what's done is done. I don't think you could have really done anything in that situation though when E started talking to politely shut him up and you talk. What I would do is not apologize to him for not coming back to the meeting since he's a coworker and doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I would probably apologize to my boss but I would explain why you were upset and that you had been preparing a talk for both meetings and E overstepped you and started talking about it all.