I got some nice jewelry (now we're not talking Neil Lane or anything, but nice) as part of our wedding tea ceremony and now I'm not sure how to store it. Currently, I have piles of odd sized velvet and wooden boxes (each came in it's own). And the nicer stuff I put in our safe. But it's too hard to access and remember I can wear them on a regular basis.
Up to date I pretty much just have worn costume jewelry and stuff passed down to me from my grandma (which I always keep in little fabric pouches).
I'd like a jewelry armoire? Maybe like this.
Should I keep all the boxes? Do I hang my nice (jeweled) necklaces? Do any of them lock? Or is it like inviting a burglar to just take me for what I've got? Would you mix with costume jewelry? How about protecting the metals/stones and tarnishing? Any ideas?
Well I have a jewelry box exactly like the picture you posted above. It holds quite a bit and yu can actually see what you own so you will wear it more often.
I have tons of jewelry and it does not all actually fit in there so I also store my favorite pieces on a little table with ottoman , and I bought some pretty accessories to store them in at urban outfiters like this-
After having some contractors in my house clean out my standard dresser top jewelry box, I would recommend keeping anything that you couldn't stand to see stolen, in a safe. It is inconvenient, but if you have ever been burgled, it is so worth a bit on inconvenience.
I also like keeping the boxes that pieces come in. When you get into the safe then they are easy to find that way if the boxes are unique.
I have costume pieces hanging on the back of a closet door from hooks. Makes it easy to see everything.
I used to store my jewelry in a jewelry box, but I found it annoying to have all of those separate compartments and there would be stuff I forgot was there. Not to long ago I decided to get some t-bars like the stores have and I got some stackable trays to hold ring and earrings. I love the look much better.
I used to store my jewelry in a jewelry box, but I found it annoying to have all of those separate compartments and there would be stuff I forgot was there. Not to long ago I decided to get some t-bars like the stores have and I got some stackable trays to hold ring and earrings. I love the look much better.
I got my t-bars from a website called jewelboxco.com. I believe they were listed in some magazine when there was an article about closet organization (I want to say it was Instyle, but that might not be the right one). I definitely like having that on display because it frees up some room on top of my dresser and it has a nice look to it.
I used to store my jewelry in a jewelry box, but I found it annoying to have all of those separate compartments and there would be stuff I forgot was there. Not to long ago I decided to get some t-bars like the stores have and I got some stackable trays to hold ring and earrings. I love the look much better.