About my skin: quite oily forehead, somewhat sensitive, developing wrinkles on either side of my mouth (laugh lines?), can get dry and ouchy at those laugh lines in winter, biggish pores on forehead and to either side of nose. 33-years-old
This one is really good for dry, sensitive skin. I use this when I go skiing and my skin gets dry and tight. It won't make you oily but it is very hydrating. It's $50
I am really digging Origins Liquid Moisture. I have very funky skin. I have larger pores in spots, can get oily around the nose and chin but dry cheeks and forehead. Getting the deep line in the forehead.
I have two favorites. Philosophy Hope in a Jar and Alba Jasmine and Vitamin E (seems thick but really soaks in and does not feel heavy at all). Two different price points but I really like both.