I think I have a urinary tract infection-- I have all of the symptoms. This is my first, and I'm really not sure how I got it or what to do. I am currently not sexually active, so I don't think that is the cause. Has anyone had a UTI before and are they common? Thanks for any help.
I use to get them all the time when I was younger, because I had kidney problems. If you go to the doctor they can prescribe you an antiboitic like amoxicillin or something similar to clear it up.
The doctor always told my mom to make sure I drank a lot of cranberry juice because the prevailing theory is that cranberry juice inhibits microorganisms from adhering to the mucosal cells lining the urinary tract, making it a less hospitable environment for the proliferation of E. coli and other infection-causing bacteria.
I don't know if I would try drink cranberry juice instead of going to the doctor, but it probably would be a good addition to the antibiotic. I also believe there are over the counter medicines that you can get that are suppose to help UTI too. They have cranberry in them
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
You could have a bladder infection instead of a UTI. If you think you have either or, go to the doctor right away. I've had a bladder infection before, it's no fun. These kind of things can lead to more serious problems if not treated. So don't rely on the cranberry alone. If you get on an antibiotic, you'll start feeling better pretty quickly. Cranberry is good, because flushes out bacteria, but then again it has a lot of sugar in it.
Go to the doctor, because in all likelihood it will only get worse.
Until you can get to the doctor, if you are in a lot of pain or discomfort, get cranberry juice (not cocktail, the sugars make it worse--real cranberry juice). Then go to the drug store and get Cystex if they have it. If they don't have Cystex, Uristat will take away the pain and work too, but it isn't quite as good as Cystex.
definately see a doctor b/c if you don't treat the infection, it can spread to your bladder and/or kidneys. (this has happened to me and the kidney infection is not fun -- excruciating back pain)
to deal with it in the future, if you start feeling like you're getting a UTI (the burning when you pee) drink tons of water (or cranberry juice) but make sure you don't drink anything with sugar. there is also an herbal tincture you can get at health food stores -- there are a bunch of different ones, those things that come in little brown bottles with a dropper top -- one i have used is called urinary ease. if you take it according to the directions when you first start the symptoms, it kills the infection quickly. look for one that has buchu root and marshmallow in it. (these are the instuctions my doctor gave me last time i had this problem)
You should see a doctor for your first couple UTIs. You want to make sure that's what it is, and you do not want it travelling back to your kidneys. (Peeing blood is not fun. Trust me.)
At this point when I sense one coming on (I've had plenty of them) I normally just takes tons of Vitamin C (makes the urine too acidic for bacteria), drink lots of water and go to the bathroom often (to flush everything out).
I used to get them all the time and I agree you should definetly see the doctor. My doctor told me I got them because I didnt drink enough water. The truth is that I really never drank anything. The only time I would have something to drink is when I ate. Try to drink cranberry juice and lots of water even after this clears up and you probably wont have to worry about it coming back.
I used to get them alot. I ward them off with Uristat and cranberry juice (100% juice, none of that cocktail crap). Drink a ton of water. If this is your first UTI experience, definitely go to your doctor so you can verify that it is a UTI and then get on antibiotics.
i agree w/ everyone here: GO TO A DOCTOR! i used to get UTIs constantly... one time i ended up hooked up to an IV because i was dehydrated, another time the pain was so bad i drove myself to urgent care in the middle of the night & had to fork out hundreds of dollars cuz i didn't have insurance! after that one i got my act together i started drinking lots & lots of water & also making sure to pee often (esp. b4 & after any "hanky panky"). i agree w/ e_doli that u should see a doc no matter what, even if it's ur billionth UTI. that time i went to urgent care, i first tried the drug store for something OTC & the pharmacist was the one that sent me to urgent care. he said that the only way to cure a UTI is w/ antibiotics (Cipro is what i've always been prescribed). the OTC stuff only dulls the pain, but doesn't do anything to kill the bacteria. good luck!
I also have had many UTIs. The first time scared the crap out of me, but I went the doctor and got a prescription for the bacteria which cleared it up right away.
Now, if I get really dehydrated I can feel the symptoms returning. I have taken a cranberry supplement (you can find these pretty much anywhere in the vitamin section) in the past as well as drank lots of 100% cranberry juice. That definitely seems to work for me.
I triple that - you need to see a dr cuz regardless bladder infection/UTI will not clear up on it's own. I used to get them all the time. You can buy Azo for Pain Relief over the counter immediately, but you need to get antibiotics. I've since bought cranberry supplements since I am not fond of the juice and try to take one everyday. If I feel one coming on, I take 2 supplements and down water like crazy. Has help a lot. hth
WAHHHHH I have one now too!! Has anyone taken Macrobid? I swear, I cannot wait until I'm no longer pregnant :(
I've taken Macrobid for a UTI before, it worked fine. Made me a little queasy if I took it before meals so I always took it on a full stomach. Can you take Macrobid while pregnant?