Hi. I have totally no experience in child bearing, so I would like to know if any of you has ever experiencedthis.
My sister is 6 month pregnant. Everything has gone well 'til now, but yesterday she started having some pinkish dicharge, and today I have just talked to her, she told me she has a little pain. Doctor told her to take some miorelaxant, rest, and he's going to see her tomorrow morning early.
Now I don't think it's anything too bad (otherwise doctor would have said to go immediately to ER), but I am very worried nonetheless.
Has something similar ever happened to you? How did you solve the situation - or it just fixed itself? What were the reasons?
thx girls, I haven't told sister, but I am quite freaking out...
I've not personally had this experience either, but thought I'd offer up what I know anyway . Hopefully it will calm your nerves a bit.
Pink blood means there's not much of it, and it's likely from the cervix/vagina instead of the uterus (doesn't have as far to go - many times blood from the uterus in small amounts looks brown, since it's taken awhile to get out). In general during pregnancy, the cervix is pretty sensitive. Any stimulation can irritate it enough to make it bleed a bit - sex, especially. Very normal, no real cause for concern.
Also, as you move into the later stages of pregnancy, random pains increase but so does the occurance of contractions after overexerting or from dehydration. Docs in the U.S. usually recommend laying down and having a glass of water or taking a warm bath to slow/stop the contractions.
All that said, if your sister has contractions that won't go away after rest and her muscle relaxants and has more pink or red discharge before here appointment tomorrow, I'd just tell her to go to the E.R. if it will ease her mind. If she has insurance it shouldn't be to expensive, and it would make her feel better ....
I hope it ends up being nothing, and that she doesn't have any more of this for the rest of her pregnancy!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I've done the whole pregnancy thing only once thus far and every woman's body responds to pregnancy a little. For me, as I got further along in my pregnancy (say around month 7 maybe closer to 8) I started to get a similar discharge and it was my mucus plug (typing that made me want to puke but then again I'm a 5 year old trapped in a 30 something's body) starting to come apart. If her dr says she is ok, then she mostly like is. Prior to losing my plug I was a bit dialated and effaced and my Dr new that from my last visit. However I would suggest to monitor how often she is seeing the discharge and if it turns from pink to more bloody and she starts to notice a pattern with the pain then yeah she should go to the ER, better safe than sorry. Also, some of things Elle mention could definitely be a possibility, I noticed that after sex I would sometimes get a little discharge and would get some BH contractions for a little while after an orgasm. So best thing she can do right now is just wait it out and see how it goes. I wish her a happy healthy 3rd trimester!
Thanks girls. Just talked to sister, doctor saw her and gave her some vitamins, I think. He said it happens and it's nothing bad, but she should stay home this week (hopefully she'll folloq this suggestion). Thanks again!