My bf was at a friend's house tonight and he fainted. He felt a little light-headed before it happened and then he just passed out. He was a little disoriented after it happened and he says he still feels weird (it happened about an hour or so ago).
Has anyone had this happen? What did you do? I just think he should go to the doctor and find out what (if anything) is wrong.
I fainted once, I woke up from my sleep with a bad headache, and while I was in the kitchen reaching up for the tylenol, I just fell down and banged my head on the floor. Honestly, I didn't really do anything. I don't know how long I was down, but when I woke up from the fall I felt a bit disoriented, like your friend. I just went back to bed and when I woke up I just had a little bump from the fall. I didn't go to the doctor or anything and I was fine.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 22:08, 2008-08-28
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I've fainted twice. The first time I was traveling and it was my second day in Paris (France) and I was exhausted and not use to the time change and I was in the bathroom and suddenly felt neauseated and then everything in front of me turned green and the next thing I knew I woke up on the floor. I went to bed, and then a few hours later I woke up and felt much better (except for my butt, which I think got the brunt of the fall). The second time I fainted (many years later) I was in the subway and some jackhole had pulled the emergency break and I was standing in a hot, crowded car for about 20 minutes. I think the blood just pooled in my feet or something and the next thing I knew I was looking up into the faces of my fellow commuters. It was very disorienting. But, I was fine. I got up, and got a big container of OJ before work and everything was ok. I think your BF will be fine, but obviously get it checked out if he blacks out again within the next couple of days. HTH
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
I've fainted a couple of times. Once while working (just standing there really) and another time while getting a blood test done at a hospital. I went to the doctor after the first spell and of course the second time I was already at a hospital where they did that horrible smelly thing to wake me. Turns out I was very anemic. Just needed some iron supplements.
Your bf should definitely go to the doctor to get checked out within the next day or so.
I'm apparenty what doctors call a "fainter". I've fainted a few times badly in my life since I was in my teens and now I do every now and then but I can usually tell it's going to happen now (faintheaded, get spots in front of my eyes, weakness) and I immediately sit or lie down if possible and try to get my head as low as I can. I'm sorry to hear about your bf - I also know it's scary and a bit embarrassing. If he's never felt this way before and he wasn't particularly dehydrated, hot, standing still for a long time or in pain (those are the common triggers I have been told) I really think he should get checked out. I ended up seeing a cardiologist just to run a routine EKG and make sure everything was fine and they also had me wear a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours which was a bit inconvenient but painless and it helped give me peace of mind. HTH and hope your bf feels better soon!
I actually just had this happen to me at the beginning of the month. I was very dizzy, light-headed, saw spots and boom, fainted. I ended up going to my doctor, and then to the ER. They ruled it heat exhaustion, stress, and being overworked. Then a week later I found out I had mono, but they don't know if that contributed.
I'm glad to hear he's going to the doctor. Mine said it could just be nothing, or it could be a whole mess of things. So better safe than sorry. Keep us updated, and I hope everything is fine!!!!
He went to the doctor and they want to run some more tests. His EKG showed a week electrical pulse, so he has to do a stress test on Wednesday.
We went to the beach this weekend and he felt pretty good, but he's tired and got lightheaded a few times. If he drank juice or ate fruit, that usually helped.
So, we really don't know much right now. Just more tests.
Another thing it could be is low blood sugar. Sometimes this happens to my dad and I when we overwork ourselves or haven't eaten in a while. We get really dizzy and light headed. What really helps is getting some good sugars into our bodies right away. We usually eat a couple crackers with peanut butter and honey on them, for some reason it works every time. Hope he feels better!
Luv2Shop, I was thinking that, too. I had a friend in college who was hypoglycemic (I think that's the same thing) and she had similar symptoms. The bf had a bunch of blood work done, so we'll find out the results of that tomorrow. Obviously, low blood sugar would show up there.
It's good to know he's having tests and hopefully they can work out whats going on. I know EKGs can sometimes show something like that but not really give an answer as to why. That's interesting about the low blood sugar thing - I was never really told about it but I notice whenever I feel like I am going to faint- straight afterwards I really crave sugar. Hope he's feeling okay and let us know how it goes.
keep us updated! Does he drive often? Thats soemthing he should be aware of if he continues to feel ishy.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I hope everything turns out okay and you find out what's going on! My sister faints occasionally due to her anemia. Hopefully it's just something like that.
I hope everything turns out okay and you find out what's going on! My sister faints occasionally due to her anemia. Hopefully it's just something like that.
Oh, I never thought of anemia. He has no other symptons other than being tired and lightheaded sometimes. And he hasn't fainted since. Hopefully, they'll figure things out soon and turns out to be something simple.
Fainting is so scary - it's happened a few times to me, too. Once from exhaustion/dehydration, once when I was sick and feverish/weak, and a few times from low blood sugar.
Kenzie, I hope your BF gains some insight from his doctors! It's really quite rare for men to be anemic, especially if they eat meat/dark veggies/vitamins on even a semi-regular basis. If the rest of their test come back normal, they may want to take the blood sugar theory farther and take fasting levels and 'sugar challenge' levels to see if everything checks out there. It could be something as simple as an electrolyte imbalance - frequently due to extended low-level dehydration, or losing a lot of fluid (sweating, vomiting). I went to the ER when I fainted due to what turned out to be dehydration - I truly didn't feel dehydrated at all, but the two bags of fluids they gave me fixed my caboose.
His body may also be trying to fight off some sort of infection, and is doing a reasonable enough job at it that he's not terribly symtomatic until he tries to overdo it. Time will tell I suppose - keep us updated!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}