Since there seems to be quite a number of dog owners I thought I would post a review on the gentle leader. We ordered one for my dog and it arrived on Friday. The philosophy behind it is that it pulls your dog's head to the side forcing them to stop instead of choking them with the collar. The dog is less likely to pull on the leash and will walk beside you. We got the leader on Friday and walked him around the house with it. He threw a complete fit at first rolling around on the ground trying to get it off his nose (which the book said was normal), but after using it for just a few days he walks completely differently on the leash. He prances along beside me and doesn't pull. Also when I stop at a street corner he sits down instead of bolting out onto the street.
I have a friend who also tried it with her dog and said it worked wonders, so I just thought I would share. Here are some pictures of what it looks like...
I got this for my bigger dog when she was a pup (and a crazy leash-puller) - it did work, but oh, she *HATED* it! She'd roll around and rub her snout on the ground and lie down and refuse to walk etc. It was pretty comical. But yeah, it sure stops them pulling. Halleybird might be interested in this for her dog?
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
my mom has these for her huge ass dogs, but it doesn't work at all!! They still drag you down the stairs and the street like they have nothing on them! little (er, not so little) rascals :)