Just wondering how many times a week other people go to the gym. I can usually do a strong 5 days a week and sometimes 6 before needing a break but sometimes I wonder if my fiancee would ever take a day off if I didn't make him. I'm starting to wonder if 7 days is a norm or if 5-6 is the norm most people go by. I don't remember reading anything about letting your body rest but it always seemed like a good idea to me.
Right now... I'm lucky if I go at all! I just rejoined the gym and am slowly getting back into it. Between working and grad school time is tight, so its been harder than I anticipated!
I'm aiming for 3-4x a week for cardio at the gym. I plan to do strength from home via videos 2-3x a week.
You don't need to let your entire body rest, but you should let certain muscle groups rest if you worked them out extensively the day before. That's why it's better to focus on one area per day at the gym.
Right now I am just doing a couple fitness classes. I've found that the only way I can consistently get myself to do exercise is if it's part of a class/activity that I enjoy doing. I just can't maintain going to the gym for long periods of time.
I do an hour a day 6 days a week. We work out with a trainer on Mondays and Wednesdays and do weights on our own on Saturdays. The other days of the week, we do an hour of cardio (30 min. on either the ArcTrainer, the bike, treadmill, or stair climber).
My triathlon coaches, and pretty much any other coach or elite athlete I've ever talked to, says that you need AT LEAST one day a week to rest and allow your body to recover. Depending on whether I'm in a "build" week or a "recovery" week I may have 2 complete rest days in a week.
I work out 5 to 6 days a week, with long workouts on Saturdays and Sundays (between 2 to 3.5 hours)
Thanks! I try to do weights every other day and cardio in between so something is resting but this every day thing is getting to be much. I hate going on Mondays so I think I'll try to use how crowded the gym gets as an excuse for us to rest at least one day a week. Six days and I'm ok. We had a 2 week stretch last year where we didn't take off and that 14th day my body was hating me. I don't want that happening again.
3-4 times a week, usually. My gym only has early morning classes 2 weekdays and on the weekends, and I can only make it to one evening class a week with my work schedule. If I could, I'd go more often.
I try very hard to go 3 times a week; that can even be challenging because I have school 3 nights a week and I work full time though. My BF goes 5 or 6 days a week. He is always there the nights that I have class and then he goes with me (or without me, when I am feeling lazy) on my off days.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln