OK I haveread a ton about credit but I am still uncertain of a few things... My credit is not very good right now, for example I am near my limit on 2 out of my five cards. I have a history of 2 late payments on 2 cards also but not more than 30 days late. (like a couple of weeks late) This has been about 2 years ago. I also have a chargeoff that I paid from about a year ago on my credit report. I want to get my credit back in tip top condition. What is the best way to do this? I have been paying on time for about 2 years now and haven't missed any payments, but my question is what is the top thing I should do now to improve my credit or do I have to wait it out, and keep paying on time? I need help!
You have to stop spending and put as much money as you can toward paying off the cards. Several years ago, I had credit card debt and wanted to get a new car. I told myself I couldn't take on the debt of the car loan until I paid off my cc debt and saved a couple thousand to put toward the car. I reeealy wanted a new car so it provided a good incentive for me... I just cut back on spending on things I really didn't NEED and focused on paying as much money as I could each month toward the card. You just need to make it a priority. I cannot tell you how GOOD it feels to not have that debt and accumulating interest over your head. I have never held a credit card balance since. If I entertain purchases that would not allow me to be able to pay the card off that month, I don't make the purchase. I save and have the money in the bank (earning interest) before I make the credit card purchase. HTH
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
That does help! I am so sick of being in debt it would be so nice to not have to worry about sending off the monthly bills!! I AM paying off one of my cards by 2/15 and another is being paid off by the end of March so that will leave 3 to go!!