Both my laptop and my PC are in desperate need of RAM. I know that I can just go buy some a install it into my computer, but I have no idea how. Anyone have any advice on this? Thanks!
ask a techie friend or pay someone to do this in your computer. as for your laptop that is much harder and without a doubt talk to a professional before doing this. laptops because of their size tend to be much harder to upgrade while PC are built to expandable.
Ok the bf says that there is a limit to the amount of RAM you can add to your computer because your motherboard limits it. The easiest thing he says is to figure out when you bought the computer to determine how much RAM it has and how much it can hold (ask a salesperson) then you just buy what you need and snap it into the desktop (take cover off and put on motherboard) and you are ready to go - no installation required. The computer will read it automatically.
For the Laptop there is a small plate the must be unscrewed usually on the bottom. But you just estimate the age and ask the salesperson what you need.
He said its not too hard to do. You just have to figure out how much you need.