Some girls buy shoes that are practical, or at least can be worn with many outfits. And some girls often seek out shoes that would complete the perfect ONE outfit (or maybe 2 outfits, max). Which are you?
Personally, I'm finding myself more and more in the latter category. Sure, I have shoes that I wear all the time, that go with many outfits, but lately, I've had outfits that are just sitting in my closet, waiting to be worn, but ONLY if I get a certain pair of shoes that would look hot with it! For example, these Via Spigas:
C'mon....tell me I can wear them with more than two outfits? I highly doubt it!
I ma the second type of person. Practical shoes are so boring!! I always have to buy the ones that are unique and I most likely would not wear with very much!
I'm the second type, and I have a weird judgmental thing about people who are the first type. I always catch myself thinking "Why does she think black shoes go with everything... because they DON"T." so mean.
I guess I would be in the second category-I have so many pairs of shoes and many of them are unusual, but I try to mix them up with new creations. Probably my only "standard" shoes are my boots (but I also have several pairs of those too)