I fell out of my gym routine once school got intense. I'm really excited about a new summer class I signed up for though, I think it will kick my butt into track!
I started Cardio Cross Traning this week with my future SIL and my cousin. We've been sore for 3 days straight! The teacher is a hardcore fitness buff and is the coach of the college football team. He's got us doing everything from running drills to aerobics step! LOL, imagine a 6'4" body builder teaching step! The class is 4 days a week for 1h20min. Since we're being graded for the class, we have not excuses for flaking like when we go to the gym. Plus I'm working out much, much harder than I would ever work out on my own.
I'm trying to get started again... I have been horrible since my wedding last October. As of now I've been doing walking videos w/ Leslie Sansone, which is easy to do at home. I'm hoping to branch out to the mini-gym at our complex soon :D
I'm trying to get back into the gym routine. I was out of it for a while (and gained some weight). I've been going 3 times a week for the past few weeks...I'm also hoping to get back into the weight lifting class I used to take.
I *need* to force myself out of the house! Usually I go for a quick run in the mornings, but lately I have been slacking. I do get long walks in, and I need to bike more often. But most often my excercise is taking my son to the playground and using the jungle gym as my own gymnastics gym!
I've been walking 1.8 miles in the morning with Mimi-Poo. I'm almost 3 months P.P. but my stomach is still sore and my incision feels like when you get rug burn so all I can do is walk for now. It totally sucks too b/c I need to lose 15 pounds.
I'm on a new eating "lifestyle." Ugh. You have no idea how much I hate myself for typing that sentence. (Not the eating part but the new age lifestyle mumbo-jumbo.) Anyway. I'm doing pretty well on it but in the process, I stopped hitting the gym as much as I normally do (for fear I'd eat more than the calories I'd burned - a problem I used to have). Now the weight is starting to come off more slowly so I've hit the gym more often.
I do a weight lifting class 1x week, pilates 1x week, and do cardio at the gym for another 2x week. I'd like to move it up to 6 days a week but apparently I'm the laziest laze that ever lazed. I can't bring myself to go to the gym every day after work and at least once on the weekend. I don't know what my mental problem is. I like working out one I'm there, I listen to a book on tape and am actually entertained, I feel better afterwards, and it doesn't take that much time, so what's the hold up? Why the mental block? I don't know.
But my goal is to be at the gym or working out 6 days a week by the end of the summer. I bought a too small bridesmaid dress for my bff's November wedding. I literally have no other choice. (Luckily I'm only 2-4 inches away - depending on spanx - from hitting my November goal.)
Blubirde - Do you happen to have a mole in the middle of your back? Because I'm also the "laziest laze that ever lazed," and according to my Filipino relatives, it's because I have a mole in the exact middle of my back. So I use that as my excuse.
Blubirde - Do you happen to have a mole in the middle of your back? Because I'm also the "laziest laze that ever lazed," and according to my Filipino relatives, it's because I have a mole in the exact middle of my back. So I use that as my excuse.
Ha! No mole on my back. Too bad. I'd love to have that excuse instead of, ya know, just being plain old lazy.
I've been boxing with my trainer 2x a week and using the Wii Fit for a 1/2 hour to an hour a day and I've lost 7 pds ( Yay!!!)
I don't know if you've discussed it or not but please tell me about the Wii Fit. The bf has one and I'm too scared to use it in front of him because I read it gives you your weight, BMI, etc. and I most certainly don't want him to see it - either while I'm there or by peeking when I'm not there.
Also, do you think the pounds are because of the boxing, the Wii Fit or both? I'm tempted to take my bf up on his offer to buy me a Wii but the Wii Fit is a huge reason for that.
I've been boxing with my trainer 2x a week and using the Wii Fit for a 1/2 hour to an hour a day and I've lost 7 pds ( Yay!!!)
I don't know if you've discussed it or not but please tell me about the Wii Fit. The bf has one and I'm too scared to use it in front of him because I read it gives you your weight, BMI, etc. and I most certainly don't want him to see it - either while I'm there or by peeking when I'm not there.
Also, do you think the pounds are because of the boxing, the Wii Fit or both? I'm tempted to take my bf up on his offer to buy me a Wii but the Wii Fit is a huge reason for that.
Details, please!
I love my Wii Fit and I think a lot of my weight loss has to do with using it so often. It does give you your weight but you need to request it, so like if he's in the room it won't just pop up unless you click on the weight link. If you want do do it when he's not in the room you can password protect so no one can see it but you. It's really fun though, the more you do it the more exercises you open up so it pushes you to do more so you can open up more stuff. If he's offering to buy you one I'd definitely take him up on it!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
The BF and I joined a gym. We figured that we would have more motivation to exercise hard if we actually went to the gym as opposed to using the equipment we have at home. So far our theory has been correct, but I can only get there 3 days a week tops. I am also seeing a personal trainer again, but only a couple of times a month for a half hour because my schedule is still hectic with school and work.
I'm really proud of my BF though, he has been at the gym 5 or 6 days a week since we joined and he sees the trainer once a week. He's looking like a serious hot tamale!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I'm doing Carmen Electra's Fit to Strip video, and believe it or not, it really kicks my butt. I also have the ab lounger extreme, and it is freaking awesome! You just have to do it to the videos it comes with. I saw major results within 2 weeks, and I'm going to continue sticking with it.