so i'm going to spend some of my christmas money at sephora, since i need a few things, and i'm looking for hand cream cream recommendations. my hands are so dry right now, between the weather and the constant handling of paper at my desk every day. i want something unscented or lightly scented (i hate lotions that compete with my perfume) and non-greasy...and that is sold at sephora! what's your favorite?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I'll have to say L'occitane. Seeing as though I just ordered it from Sephora! I heard so may good things about, I'm trusting the girls on this one!My hands are a mess! I'll let you know hen it gets here!
i carry the l'occitane shea butter hand cream in my purse and it's a good one. i also like davies gate garden made hand salve, but because of the container i use that only at home and usually at night.
my two favorite hand creams aren't sold at sephora, but i'll post them anyway - both are crabtree & evelyn - the gardener's hand therapy and the rosewater hand therapy.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings